JAKARTA – Green Smart Leaders IMCD Exhibition and Competition for upper-middle students displays innovative recycling projects created by students and education to raise awareness regarding sustainability among the younger generation. Program yang dimotori IMCD Indonesia, mitra distribusi terkemuka global dan formulator bahan kematis dan bahan khusus ini, merupakan lanjutan dari program IMCD STEM4Youth pada tahun 2022 yang bekerja sama dengan YCAB Foundation. Indonesia, as one of the countries with the largest population in the world, is still struggling with adequate waste management systems. If not handled properly, then this has the potential to cause even greater problems for the environment in the future, such as climate change. Some people have adopted the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) method to manage their waste. However, others still do not understand how important it is to manage waste. The Green Smart Leaders program aims to raise environmental awareness of the younger generation, as well as empower them to be able to create products that can be marketed using recycled materials. “As a global distribution company for chemicals and special ingredients, we are aware of how important it is to protect the environment. We are proud to be able to participate in the Green Smart Leaders program that supports increased awareness of environmental issues and contributes to sustainable life for future generations, ” said Adelia Sia, Managing Director of IMCD Indonesia, at the launch of the IMCD Green Smart Leaders program which coincided with International Earth Day, in Jakarta, April 22 later. The event was attended by the Deputy Head of Mission of the Dutch Royal Embassy to Indonesia, Adriaan Palm and Plt. Head of the West Jakarta Administrative City 2 Regional Education Sub-dept., Diding Wahyudin. "I would like to congratulate IMCD Indonesia and YCAB for initiating this program and I hope that more young people will unite together to make positive impacts starting from this environment, their environment, this society, and the rest of the world," Adrian said as quoted from a statement from the media received by VOI, Saturday, May 11. Adriaan also added that young people have the most innovative ideas, young people also have the energy to bring change to their environment and build a better future. Students participating in the Green Smart Leaders program will receive training on waste management, sustainable living, and support to become sociopreneurs. Then, students will be guided to identify environmental issues and develop innovative recycling projects as potential solutions. Students will demonstrate innovative projects from recycled materials that focus on creativity and positive impacts. Selected projects will participate in exhibitions to provide opportunities for students to present their work.
“rooted on environmental care, social entrepreneurship, and empowerment of the younger generation, this initiative reflects our dedication to sustainable solutions and community development. The exhibition features innovative recycling projects from students, which demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability and showcase future generation creative solutions for environmentally important issues,” explained Veronica Colondam, Founder and CEO of the YCAB Foundation. This exhibition aims to introduce and showcase the work created by groups of students from two schools that have received Greenpreneurship training. This event highlights the achievements, innovations, and advances in various recycling projects. Three winning groups have been selected from a total of 20 groups from two schools. The first winner of the winner is a group of students with projects that carry aquarium station theme and aquaponics with the main raw materials in the form of used gallons. The goal is to reduce gallon waste and become an alternative planting medium with minimal use of soil. Winners of this project will get an injection of funds to develop their work.

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