YOGYAKARTA Getting to know Salmonella infection can prevent you from health problems caused by Salmonella bacteria.

Please note, Salmonella is a type of bacteria that often pollutes food. Consumption of food contaminated with Salmonella bacteria can cause a person to experience stomach pain, diarrhea, fever, pain and cramps in the stomach. In medical, this condition is called salmonellosis.

Quoted from AI-Care, Salmonella infection is a condition where a person experiences stomach pain, bleeding diarrhea, pain and cramps in the stomach after eating foods contaminated with Salmonella bacteria.

Salmonella bacteria live in the digestive tract of animals and humans. These bacteria can infect humans through food contaminated with animal droppings.

In addition, a person can also be infected with this bacteria if they make direct contact with the animal carrying the bacteria.

Some types of animals that risk transmitting Salmonella bacteria include reptile groups such as iguana, lizards and turtles as well as dogs, cats and hamsters.

Adapting WebMD, some of the symptoms that appear if you are infected with Salmonella include:

Symptoms of salmonellosis can appear 8-72 hours after infection. Some symptoms will generally subside within weeks but if there is a serious infection, your digestive tract can take weeks to recover.

A number of factors that can increase the risk of Salmonella bacterial infection, among others:

The above has been mentioned that one of the factors that can increase the risk of being infected with Salmonella bacteria is eating unhygienic foods and drinks.

According to the CDC, some foods susceptible to Salmonella bacteria include:

Quoting AI-Care, the main symptoms of Salmonella infection are diarrhea and vomiting which can cause dehydration. In cases of mild infection, salmonellosis can recover by itself for several days.

Handling given usually focuses on replacing lost fluids to prevent dehydration.

During the treatment period, you are advised to drink a lot of water and stop eating unhygienic foods and spicy foods.

If cases of infection are felt severe enough, doctors can give antibiotic drugs to kill bacteria more quickly. If there are other symptoms such as fever, you can get antipirritis or fever reduction.

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