YOGYAKARTA Side effects after face lasers for beauty need to be considered if you plan to perform laser treatment in the near future.

Basically, laser treatment in the face area does have several benefits, such as stimulating collagen production to removing dead skin cells. Face lasers are performed with a focused light beam with high intensity. Then what is the impact of face lasers after completion?

Face lasers are admitted to be able to improve facial appearance, including smoothing the skin. However, side effects of face lasers need to be considered so as not to regret it in the future. Some side effects of face lasers are as follows.

This side effect is unavoidable, the skin will change redness. Sometimes even the skin will feel itchy until a burning sensation appears. However, this side effect usually only occurs for a few days. Doctors will provide a way out of this side effect, for example by providing vapour medicine.

Swelling occurs due to inflammatory effects. The appearance of the face is not immediately as smooth as desired. However, swelling due to face lasers can be overcome with a cold water compress or apply it with a corticosteroid cream.

Lasers on the face will trigger dry skin and even peel. This condition usually occurs 5 4 to 7 days after the broadcast.

Faces can also get bacterial, fungal, and even viral infections. For example, someone who experiences symplectic pneumonia can be hit again after undergoing a face laser. In order to avoid infection, it is recommended to ask for an antiviral ornament or drug so that unwanted things do not occur.

This condition occurs due to changes in skin color, it can get darker (hyperpigmentation) or even brighter (hipopigmentation). However, skin color changes occur often in dark people. No need to worry because this change can be prevented by using various methods recommended by doctors.

In the face area, scars can appear due to lasers. This scar tissue can be a lump or bounce. It should be noted that this side effect usually occurs in an ablative laser treatment that raises the skin's surface. Take skin care seriously to remove scar tissue.

Usually on the face there will also appear small white lumps resembling acne. This lump arises due to the use of skin sedative creams prescribed by doctors to relieve irritation too thick. This cream should only be applied thinly.

It is also possible that allergies can occur in people who perform facial lasers. Allergies can appear in the form of a red rash on the face.

That's information related to side effects after the face laser. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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