YOGYAKARTA One of the questions that is often asked when discussing the chapter of marriage is who is the marriage guardian of a Muslim woman?

It should be noted that what is meant by women who convert to Islam is non-Muslim women who decide to change their beliefs and convert to Islam.

Well, women converting to Islam cannot make their fathers as guardians of marriage if they do not convert to Islam.

In Islamic view, marriage should not be carried out carelessly. There are five pillars that must be fulfilled so that marriage is considered legal, namely the bride and groom, bride, guardian, two witnesses, and shighat.

On the other hand, a person appointed as the guardian of a marriage must also meet various requirements. One of them is Islam.

So, who can be the guardian of marriage for a Muslim woman if her father has not converted to Islam? The answer to this question can be seen in the following review.

Adapting NU Online, in fiqih Islam, a Muslim who wants to get married, he must have a guardian.

The existence of this guardian is one of the marriage pillars that must be fulfilled. If there is no guardian, the marriage contract can be canceled or invalid.

In fiqih, the ulama set a number of requirements that must be met by a marriage guardian. One of them is that a guardian must be Muslim.

A non-Muslim cannot be the guardian of marriage for a woman who has converted to Islam. This is based on the word of Allah in surah At-Taubah verse 71. The sound is as follows:

You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

Meaning: 'Men's believers and women's believers some of them are helpers to others.'

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that if the biological father of a convert to Islam has converted to Islam, then he can become the guardian in his marriage contract. However, if the father is still in his original religion, then he cannot be the guardian of marriage for his daughter who has embraced Islam.

Instead, it must be traced to relatives who are Muslim and can become guardians of marriage.

According to Al-Hishni in the book Kif Maritalyatul Akhybar, people who can become marriage guardians for Muslimah include:

If after being traced there are no Muslim relatives who can become guardians of marriage, then the guardian of judges applies to women converting to Islam. This is in accordance with the laws and regulations in Indonesia. The judge's mayor is usually the head of the local KUA sub-district.

That's information about the marriage guardian of a Muslim woman. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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