YOGYAKARTA Signs of face masks that are not suitable for the skin are very important to recognize. This information can help you avoid the use of beauty products that do not match your skin characteristics.

One of the signs or symptoms that may arise due to the unsuitable use of face masks is the appearance of acne.

Well, the following article will discuss the mask sign that is not suitable for the skin. Let's look at the full information!

Adapting Insider, Thursday, May 9, 2024, the following are signs of face masks not suitable for the skin.

1. Acne appears on the facial skin

The above has been mentioned that unsuitable face masks can cause acne.

You should know, some masks function to hydrate facial skin. Sufficient hydration can clog pores and cause comodos or acne.

If your facial skin is acne, the solution is to use a noncomedogenic mask. This type of mask will not clog the pores and provide extra moisture for the skin.

2. Itching after wearing a mask appears

The next sign of a face mask does not match is that the skin feels itchy after use. This may not be a normal reaction, itching looks like a red peel that swells on the skin.

3. Inviting the skin

In addition to causing itching, facial masks that do not fit can also irritate the skin.

Irritation can arise due to reactions from the ingredients in the mask. For example, essential oils, several preservatives, and aroma-enhancing.

These ingredients have the potential to irritate the skin, especially in someone whose skin is sensitive.

The solution is to avoid skin care products that contain ingredients that have the potential to cause irritation.

4. Feels pain when taking off the mask

Some people may feel satisfied when removing a peel-off mask. The reason is, this type of mask can help absorb excess oil on the face and remove dead skin cells and dirt from the top layer of the skin.

However, removing a peel-off mask can cause damage to the skin if left to dry for too long. Not only that, healthy skin cells will also be lifted.

To prevent this, don't use a face mask that causes the skin to break.

5. The skin feels strong

You may like the sensation of freshness after wearing a clay mask. However, if the skin feels very strong afterward, it could be a sign that the face mask is not suitable for the skin.

Strong sensations often occur after using a clay mask, especially when combined with other ingredients to dry the skin.

For most people, clay masks can indeed provide good results. However, some types of clay masks are too aggressive for certain skin types.

Another thing that needs to be paid attention to is that various types of clays have slightly different effects. If the skin feels very strong, it's a good idea to replace the face mask with something softer.

6. Dry skin

Face masks with exfoliated materials can produce smoother and brighter skin. However, sometimes these types of masks can make the skin dry and peel. This also includes a sign that the face mask is not suitable for your skin.

This information about the sign of a face mask is not suitable for the skin. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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