YOGYAKARTA - A young girl usually wants to go through umpteenth when she is 12-13 years old. Sacrificial period generally will be marked by changes physically, emotionally, to reproductive functions. Haid or menstruation is one of the characteristics that will take place in girls when she reaches retirement.
However, not a few girls have not had their menstruation at the age of 12-13 years. It seems that there are some triggers that make a girl experience her first menstruation late. Come on, follow the discussion about the trigger for menstruation late in teenagers below!
menstruallates in adolescents are usually caused by abnormal hormone content. This situation can also be influenced by very low weight or excess weight, lack or very often exercise, lack of sleep, stress, and even pregnancy.
How To Handle It
I. Manage Stress Well
Mind pressure also often causes menstruation late in young people. Therefore, it is important to manage stress well so that menstruation cycles become easier. The easiest method to overcome mental stress for young people is to balance playing time and do good work.
Not only that, you can also carry out activities you like, such as playing football, reading books, or just hanging out with friends.
II. Consume Healthy And Nutritious Foods
Consumption of healthy and nutritious food can facilitate menstruation. Young people really need nutrition from various types of food, ranging from red meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, fruit, seeds, to nuts. This is because the body is growing and growing very rapidly.
Stay away from or limit fast food consumption because this food has a lot of fat and high calories that can increase weight so that it disturbs the menstrual cycle.
III. Protect Weight
Weight is one aspect that can affect the menstrual cycle. This is important to note because lack of weight or excess can make the reproductive hormone content not balance, so menstruation is irregular.
To identify whether the weight is perfect or not, you can calculate the body mass index (IMT). The trick, for body weight in a kg unit with a body size in a meter. When the results of the calculation of IMT 18, 524, 9, it means that you have a perfect weight.
You have less weight if the results are less than 18.5 and if the results are 25 and above, this shows that you are overweight or even overweight.
IV. Regular Exercise
Regulated exercise is also efficient in tackling menstruation late in young people. The reason is that exercising regularly can also control weight. One type of exercise that can promote menstruation is yoga.
Research shows that yoga is done 5 times a week within 6 months with a duration of 35'40 minutes per session can control hormone levels in the body, including reproductive hormones that support menstruation.
V. Limits Sports Time
Exercise is known to facilitate menstruation. However, it is different if the exercise is very heavy or long. This actually makes the hormone in the body not balance. So that menstruation can be resolved late, you are advised to exercise for 60 minutes every day.
VI. Get enough rest
The method of overcoming menstruation late in young people can also be tried with a decent rest content. The reason is, rutility to sleep until late at night can interfere with the function of reproductive hormones, so that menstrual cycles are hampered or irregular.
Therefore, you are advised to sleep for 8-10 hours every night. Stay away from the habit of staying up late because it does not only affect menstrual cycles, lack of sleep can also disturb concentration and hinder daily activities, such as learning.
Apply various ways to cope with menstruation late in adolescents above so that menstruation or menstruation is easier. If the method has been applied but menstruation has not yet occurred or is irregular, it should be consulted with a doctor to identify the main cause.
Along with the times, it turns out that you can find out how to easily track the Menstruation Cycle with Apple Watch.
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