JAKARTA - Celebrity Kevin Julio was seen attending the funeral home of comedian Babe Cabita who died today, Tuesday, April 9. After mourning, Kevin Julio revealed Babe Cabita's latest condition.

He said that in their group it had been said that Babe's condition was not good, where Kevin said that the platelet had decreased.

"And yesterday in the group, someone actually said the platelets had dropped, that's how it is," said Kevin Julio in the Cirendeu area, South Tangerang, Tuesday, April 9.

For this 30-year-old man, one of the unforgettable things about Babe is the content he always shares on his Instagram account.

He also felt that the kindness given by Babe to him was very sincere so that he could feel the kindness given by Babe.

"Yes, of course, Babe's content will never be forgotten. Honestly, I haven't seen Babe for a long time, only I've worked with Babe. It still feels good until now. If it's a good person, it's definitely for sure," he explained.

In addition, Kevin said that the figure of Babe is a friendly person to everyone and humble. He also recalled the moment Babe sent his food for free to him.

"Yes, it's friendly, at that time, it means that if you work together, you don't see people, that's it, it's humble, the business was sent and the business was circulated like that. Yes, that's how it is," he concluded.

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