Keep The Ability To Remember The Elderly With Routine Consumption Of Kalium
Illustration (Pexels/Pixabay)

JAKARTA - Professor in the field of Community Nutrition and Family Resources of the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Khomsan, MS recommends eating foods that contain potassium to maintain memory in the elderly.

"Consumption of potassium is important for the memory of the elderly, among others, in bananas," wrote Prof. Ali as quoted by ANTARA.

In addition to eating foods that contain potassium, Ali also mentioned that playing games such as filling a cross-sectional problem can be useful for training an elderly person's brain and training memory.

Ali said brain function can decrease with age such as easy dementia and loss of memory. Even when toddlers are toddlers, malnutrition can also affect brain development, especially intelligence disorders.

Therefore, Ali said that good nutrition must be fulfilled since she was a toddler by consuming several foods that contain omega 3 and 6 and iron.

Some of the nutrients related to the brain are omega 3 and 6, increasing concentration is iron and others. For children aged under five, omega 3 and 6 nutrition is an important compound for intelligence," Ali explained.

For children under five, Ali suggests training and honing rough and fine motors that can support brain development. Likewise, games that can hone cognitive and memory also need to be trained in children under five.

Fulfillment of nutrition for brain health can also start with a complete breakfast and with a variety of menus, consisting of vegetables, side dishes, fruit and milk as a complement. But unfortunately, said Ali, breakfast is still often considered not important for some people by just consuming a modest menu.

In closing, Ali gave an example of provisions that children can bring when entering school, namely nutritious snacks such as fruit or fried bananas.

"Bekal, which is basically a snack, for example fruit, including fried bananas, is better than just ordinary fried foods," said Prof. Ali Khomsan

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