YOGYAKARTA Orgasm is a physical and emotional sensation caused by a series of rhythmic contractions in the pelvic floor muscles, penis, vagina, and sometimes also the uterus. Orgasms, usually occur after muscle tension increases and increase blood flow to the genitals to create feelings of sexual arousal.

The experience of orgasm in men and women is significant differences. Men are generally easy to reach orgasm because of anatomy. A third of women, regularly have orgasms during sexual intercourse. Most of them require direct stimulation in the clitoris.

Obviously, certified clinical counselor and therapist, Cynthia Lief Ruberg, LPCC., most men achieve orgasm due to orgasm and male ejaculation biologically embedded in the male sexual response cycle. For someone who is not easy to get an orgasm, here are the expert's advice to reach a better climax.

Ruberg's advice, how to get an orgasm is better in women, by concentrating on breathing. Changing the breathing pattern from slow to short and fast, will increase sexual arousal and help trigger orgasm.

The next way, to get a better orgasm is to recognize the body, said Ruberg. Some women do not reach climax because they do not know what excites them sexually. So when you have sex with your husband and wife, pay attention to what kind of touch is most enjoyable. Tell your partner what you like and don't like. Keep in mind, only about 35 percent of women reach orgasm through sexual penetration.

The body is designed very sophisticated. For that, it is very important to recognize and appreciate the body. Ruberg explained, if people don't like their bodies, they may think about their appearance during sex. Obsession with body shortages, will interfere with sexual responses.

"Sex toys or called love toys, such as vibrators, can be a fun and useful way to help women reach orgasm," said Rudid. That means, for couples it is important to seek pleasure in sexual intercourse. But of course with notes, it needs consent or mutual consent.

Train muscles around the vagina, such as Kegel exercises, helps promote blood circulation to the pelvic floor and build enthusiasm. Women who are able to contraction and relax these puboccygeal muscles (PC) can also increase the pleasure of their male partners and help lead them to orgasm. Men can also do PC muscle exercises to increase the intensity of orgasm and better erection.

Sometimes, looking for a more varied sex position will increase pleasure and produce a better orgasm. One of the best positions for a woman, is being above. Obviously, Ruberg, at the top allows women to control sex and maximize stimulation. Another position that might produce a better orgasm is Doggie style. So it's important to experiment with your partner to find out what's best for the two of you.

Romantic scenes or fantasies can make you and your partner excited, making sex even more fun.

Some women are aroused when reading romance novels. For them, it's not always about visuals. It's more about imagination, "explained Ruberg. He added, men may need more visual stimulation, such as sex scenes in movies.

This is one of the poses that gives the opportunity for blood to flow into the brain. Namely by lifting both legs and leaning on the wall. The head and body are flat on the bed or floor with mattresses. This strategy succeeded in causing a woman's orgasm, reported by Everyday Health, Monday, April 1.

Ruberg's message in addition to explaining how to get an orgasm is better above, make any effort that makes it successful. This includes actively exploring with your partner and communicating openly that communicates what is fun and not.

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