YOGYAKARTA Prayers to receive zakat fitrah need to be known by Muslims. The prayer is read when the recipient receives zakat distributed before Eid Al-Fitr arrives.

It should also be noted that the prayer for zakat can be a form of gratitude for the sustenance he gets and as a prayer for the kindness made by the party giving zakat.

Quoted from NU Online, according to the adab, the party who gets the good, in this case zakat, must repay his kindness at least with prayers. Related to this, Sheikh M. Nawawi Banten quoted the Prophet SAW's hadith as saying of a prayer reading recommendation when receiving zakat.


"It is good for those who receive zakat to pray for those who give their zakat according to the hadith of the Prophet SAW, 'Anyone who gives kindness to you, then repay his kindness. If you are unable to reply, pray for him.' In other words, anyone who does good to you, then reply to him with the same kindness. If you are unable, then pray for him seriously until the retaliation of the same good is realized." See Sheikh M. Nawawi Banten, Nihayatuz Zain, [Beirut, Darul Pole Al-Ilmiyayah: 2002 M/1422 H], page 177).

There are several prayers for receiving zakat fitrah that can be read. One of the prayers that are recommended to be read is as follows.

Thakharallhu qalbaka föl qulbil abr!r, wa zakk f amalaka amalil akhyr, wa sald aal hika f arw yuhad.


"May Allah glorify your love to the hearts of His servants who are abrar. May Allah clean your deeds to the deeds of His pious servants. May Allah pray to your spirit to the spirits of His pious servants."

Recipients can also read the shorter prayer for zakat, which is as follows.

Ajarakanallahu fi ma a'thaita wa baraka fi ma abqaita wa ja'alahu laka thahuran.

Meaning: 'May Allah reward what you give, and may Allah give blessings to the wealth you keep and make it a cleaner for you.'

Prayers are not only pronounced by zakat recipients, those who commit zakat are also advised to recite intention and prayer. Procedures for falsifying the intention of zakat are read shortly before submitting zakat.

Quoted from the website of the Yogyakarta City National Amil Zakat Agency, the intention of zakat fitrah varies depending on who the object is obeyed, whether yourself, your wife, children, or other parties. The intention of zakat fitrah varies depending on who is represented. The following is an intention that can be said.

Nawaitu an ukhrija zakaatal fithri 'an nafs kalih fardhan lillaahi ta'alaa


"I intend to pay zakat fitrah for myself, fardhu because Allah Ta'ala"

Nawaitu an ukhrija zkatal fitri 'an zahujati fardhan lillahi ta'ala


"I intend to pay zakat fitrah for my wife, fardu because Allah Ta'ala"

Nawaitu an ukhrija zakatcal fitri 'an waladi (state the name) fardhan lillahi ta'ala


"I intend to issue zakat fitrah for my son (state his name), fardhu because Allah Ta'ala"

Nawaitu an ukhrija zakatcal fitri 'an binti (state the name) fardhan lillahi ta'ala

Meaning: "I intend to pay zakat fitrah for my daughter (state name), fardhu because Allah Ta'ala"

Nawaitu an ukhrija zakatcal fitri 'anni wa 'an jami'i ma taltzamuni nafawatuhum fardhan lillahi ta'ala

Meaning: "I intend to pay zakat fitrah for myself and all those whose livelihoods are my responsibility, fardhu because Allah Ta'ala,"

Nawaitu an ukhrija zAKAl fitri 'an (state the name) fardhan lillahi ta'ala


"I intend to issue zakat fitrah to (state a specific name), fardu because Allah Ta'ala"

That's the prayer for receiving zakat fitrah. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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