YOGYAKARTA - Talking about fasting is certainly not only Muslims who fast, in fact Christians also do these activities, you know! But, how many hours do you think Christian fasting is? Let's see the following review.

The reason is, fasting in Christian teachings does exist and it really matters, you know! It's just not done using calendar standards like any other religion.

Christian fasting is not just an order of religion and religious fasting, but fasting here is a push for the Holy Spirit to be used to get closer to God. This is to increase gratitude and gratitude for the gifts that God has given so far.

What we need to be grateful for is first of all the eternal safety that God has awarded, the health we get, the income we receive, good and easy efforts and other successes. Remember that if there is a failure felt by us, it does not mean that God is leaving us.

We must always be grateful to God because God allows something to happen in our lives.

Because success from God is not always measured by obtaining money, rank and position, etc. The success of God is how we always maintain faith even though we experience many problems in life, but we are always loyal, unchanged, remain strong and can always be grateful to God.

Basically, there are no raw provisions, but the instructions below are just helping:

From 18.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB the next day (8:18 Hours)

From 06.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB or 18.00 WIB (two or 12 Hours)

Some Things Related To Fasting

During fasting, you must set aside time to reflect on the Word of God, praise and pray. (Anyway Do'a depends on the goals you want to achieve and get involved in).

For beginners, you should not do fasting for a very long time, so you can get used to it first.

Generally, when you start, you will experience an unfavorable physical condition, a kind of nausea and dizziness. That's a normal indication, continue fasting according to your motivation. Remember, Fasting Total not more than 3 days (72 Hours).

End the obligatory fasting carefully, don't eat too much, because it will cause digestive disorders. Eating foods that are easy to digest, fresh fruit and drinks that can facilitate digestion.

Important: After we have successfully traveled and experienced a spiritual victory after fasting, be careful so that we can always stand tall in God's power, not fall into fire and spiritual arrogance.

Fasting Rules From Sources Of Old Agreements And New Agreements

Old Agreement

New Agreement

The Goals Of Fasting Christians

In addition, you also need to read: Fallah: Christian Holidays That Always Change Dates, Even If You Don't Change Meaning.

So after knowing how many hours of Christian fasting, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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