YOGYAKARTA Islam regulates how to express the deceased. The procession is called the Umrah Badal. Thus it can be concluded that sending Umrah or Umrah for people who cannot perform Umrah can be done as long as it meets the requirements and conditions.

This article will discuss how to umrahkan people who have died covering the requirements to their virtues.

As explained earlier, it is announced that someone who does not have the ability to go for Umrah is called Badal Umrah. Not only for people who have died, Badal Umrah can also be done to people who are sick, old / elderly, or other conditions that cause someone not to go Umrah.

In Islam, representing someone in Umrah is very allowed. This is as the hadith of the Prophet SAW.

'Rasulullah SAW heard a friend reciting talybiyah, 'Labbayka for Syabramah.' He asked, 'Who's the lecture?' My brother or relative said.' You've had the pilgrimage? 'Not yet,' he replied. 'You have to have a pilgrimage first, then you can defend it.' (HR Abu Dawud and Ibnu Majah)

The way to express the person who has died is to appoint someone who is alive and in good condition to represent other people. Here's how you can do it.

When announcing the person who died, it must be done according to existing conditions. Here are the conditions to be known.

As explained earlier, people appointed to replace others in the implementation of Umrah must read the intention of Badal Umrah with the following reading, quoted from the NU Online website.

Nawaytul 'generata' an fulmen (said the name of the namaah umrah yang dibadalkan) wa ahramtu bih halill lill lihi ta'men.


"I intend to perform Umrah for the fulan (proversing the name of the congregation that is prayed) and I ihram the umrah because of Allah ta'ala."

Long before departure, it is also recommended to find out how to check official Umrah travel so that unwanted things do not happen.

That's how to announce people who have died. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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