YOGYAKARTA - Mouthwashing has long been used by many people to complete the procession of cleaning teeth and mouth. Even though there are many effects, you also have to know about the side effects of mouthwashing! Like what, let's review here!

Mouthwash is an antiseptic liquid that benefits us from eliminating the smell of the mouth and relieves the swollen gums. Generally, mouthwashing works by killing bacteria to areas that are not reached by our brushes. But it turns out that behind it all has a bad effect, what is it like?

Although it offers many benefits, mouthwashing can cause side effects in certain circumstances. The following are some of the side effects that can arise from the use of mouthwashing:

1. Exacerbating Inflammatory In the Mouth

You shouldn't use mouthwash with alcohol content when you have an infection in the mouth, a kind of sariawan.

Even though it functions as an antiseptic, the use of mouthwash with alcohol content can actually cause irritation of sariawan wounds and make them feel even more painful.

2. Make Your Mouth Dry

Most of the mouthwash products spread across the market have alcohol which plays an antiseptic role in eliminating germs in the teeth and oral cavities.

However, in some people, especially those with xerostomia or dry mouth, mouthwashing with large alcohol content can actually worsen the situation they are experiencing.

Therefore, people who experience xerostomia are more recommended to use alcohol-free mouthwash. If possible, also select mouthwash with fluid content, because dry mouth conditions can increase the risk of the formation of caries and cavities.

3. Cause Allergy Reaction

In very rare problems, some types of ingredients found in mouthwash, a kind of fluoride and chlorhexidine can lead to allergic responses, a kind of itching and a burning sensation in the mouth, swelling of the gum or tongue, to shortness of breath.

Not only that, mouthwashing that is accidentally swallowed in large quantities can also result in symptoms of poisoning, a kind of nausea, stomach pain, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, and seizures.

Therefore, mouthwash should not be given to children, especially children under the age of 6 years. Because at this age, children are not able to garage well, so mouthwash can be accidentally swallowed and make them poisoned.

Mouthwash can indeed help fight tooth damage. However, mouthwash can't take over the importance of brushing teeth twice a day which is the main way to protect the health of the teeth and mouth.

If you experience an allergic response after using mouthwash, a kind of itching, burning sensation, and swelling in the mouth, immediately check yourself with the doctor or the nearest health facility to get the right treatment.

How To Use Right Mouthwash

In addition to the side effects above, you need to read: "Use Mouthwash Can Increase Blood Sugar Levels" to be more vigilant.

So after knowing the side effects of mouthwashing, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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