JAKARTA - A fitness expert and trainer in Samarinda City, Reza Fatchurahman, conveyed the importance of regulating the time and intensity of exercise during fasting during the month of Ramadan.

"We can take 30 to 45 minutes to exercise after breaking the fast and before tarawih prayers," said Rezadi, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan Province, Tuesday.

According to him, exercise can also be done ahead of breaking the fast so that the body avoids the possibility of becoming dehydrated and can immediately get nutritious intake to restore energy.

"After exercising, we have the best time, where the body really needs nutrition. So, it is very important to replenish energy with nutritious food," he said, quoted by Antara.

Reza said that the intensity of the sport should also be adjusted to the condition of the body during fasting.

"We need to adapt to conditions when fasting. So, maybe we need to reduce the intensity to avoid fatigue and dehydration," he said.

According to Reza, exercise does not need to be done every day during the fasting month.

"Doing sports such as gymnastics or lifting weights three to four times a week is enough, with a duration of 30 minutes," he said.

Reza also stated the importance of balancing sports activities with nutritious food consumption during fasting.

Those who want to lose weight, he said, should regulate food consumption in such a way that calorie intake does not exceed the body's needs.

"We have to remember that everyone has different calorie boundaries. If we consume more than what is needed, there will be no weight loss," he said.

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