JAKARTA - For Muslims, fasting in the month of Ramadan is a mandatory law. The reason is, this is one of the pillars of Islam. Not only holding back thirst, hunger, and lust, behind this month's noble deeds of worship will be multiplied. So for those who carry out, it is necessary to fill their days with a variety of charity and kindness.

When fasting, it must also be considered that things that can invalidate fasting, so that they are not canceled from reward. Among those who cancel fasting are eating and drinking, vomiting intentionally, husband and wife relationships and so on.

This arrangement applies to those who are syara' (religious) fasting. Those who are obliged to be people who are calm, reasonable, healthy, and able to observe fasting. In essence, those who are able to pass the fasting provisions. While those outside are not obliged to observe fasting. Those who are excluded.

Reporting from NU Online, Thursday, March 7, there are six groups of people who are not required to fast, which is mentioned in detail by Sheikh Muhammad Nawawi Al-Bantani in the Kasyifatu Book Only. They are allowed by syara to break their fast.

Let's watch it. Let's watch it, let's believe in it. Let's believe in it. Let's hold on to it. Let's hold on to it, let's hold on to it, let's hold on to it.

Meaning: The following six people are allowed to break their fast during the day of the month of Ramadan. They are the first travelers, both sick people, the third elderly (unpowered parents), the four pregnant women (even though they are pregnant because of adultery or jimak Syubhat). The five people who ride thirst (approx a big difficulty to him with an unresponsible note usually according to Az-Zayadi, a difficulty that allows people to reside according to Ar-Romli) is similar to people who are thirsty are people whose hunger rates are not practiced, and the six breastfeeding women are either given wages or voluntarily.

Islam allows people not to carry out the obligation to fast in the month of Ramadan, although some of these six people must replace it outside of Ramadan, either in the form of qadha or fiddyah. Because, the conditions experienced by these six people, in the view of the ulama, allow the loss of fasting ability from those concerned during Ramadan.

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