YOGYAKARTA - Javanese people have a safety tradition for people who have died. The time of implementation of the rescue is determined by the calculation of the date after death, starting from 7 days, 100 days, to 1000s. So how do you calculate 100 days of people dying to hold safety?

Congratulations are carried out with tahlilan activities in reading prayers for people who have died. Families who hold safe events will usually invite relatives, relatives, and neighbors to read prayers together. Determination of safety times is not done carelessly, but there is a Javanese calendar calculation.

Not a few people are still confused about when to hold the safety date, especially those who are young. So how to calculate the safety day of people dying and when is it done?

The 100-day safety event for people who died in Javanese society is also called nyatus dya. How to calculate the daily hundred for safety is carried out by calculating the day and the market uses the formula for calculating the rosarma, namely the second day and the fifth market.

Dino nyatus congratulations are usually celebrated bigger or more luxurious because they are considered the last celebration after death. However, there are also groups of people who are still holding congratulatory events for 1 year after death, two years, until the 1000th day.

How to calculate safety for 100 days people died, namely the formula for the rosarma (second day and fifth market). The time for the implementation of the rescue is calculated from the month of death to 3 months plus 10 days. More precisely, 4 months are calculated from day 1 on month 4 to 10 days, then matched to the day and market.

For example, if you die on Saturday Pahing, you will count it on Saturday-Sunday of the Pahing, Pon, Wage, Kliwon, and Legi markets.

Congratulations for the dead will be held starting from the first day of death, then the seventh day, and continuing around the time span after. Many people also start safe from 3 days after death, 7 days, 40 days, 100 days, the first year, the second year, to 1000 daily.

The following is a matter of days of safety for people who die in Javanese traditions:

Long story was held on the third day after death and the third market. For example, if you die on Saturday Pahing, it will be calculated 1-2 to Sunday, Pon at night Monday to hold a tahlilan.

Mitung's congratulations were carried out on the seventh day after he died. For example, if you die on Saturday, you count it for 6 days, so you do Pahing on Friday night.

The recovery ceremony of tens of dina was carried out on the 40th day with a formula for calculating the fifth day of the masehi month and the fifth day of the market or masarma. For example, if you die on Saturday Pahing, you will count it until Saturday Pahing again, then add 3 days, namely Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Kliwon night, Wednesday night, it will take 40 days.

The death toll is held on 1 year after the day of death. On the Javanese calendar, the one year period is 354 - 355 days. For example, if you die in the month of Sura, it is calculated for up to 1 year on the exact month of Sura again. Then matched to the day of death, for example, if you die on Saturday Pahing, you count 4 days 4 markets, meet Monday Wage night, Tuesday Kliwon.

Congratulations are made on the 1000th day after death. How to calculate the time to use the sixth day of the market and the fifth market after death or nemsarm. Calculated by 35 months starting from the month of death. For example, death in Sura is calculated for up to 35 months, then matched to the day of death.

That's how to calculate 100 days people died for a safe event. Determination of the safety time of the deceased is calculated based on the Javanese calendar, ranging from 3 daily, 7 daily, 100 daily, to 1000 daily. Also read also checking wetons in Javanese customs.

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