Get To Know The Bland Diet, A Special Weight Loss Program For People With Stomach Acid
Illustration of Food for a Diet (Lisa Fotios / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Stomach acid is often confused with ulcer disease. In fact, gastric acid disease or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a digestive disease that occurs due to the increase in stomach acid into the esophagus. Increased stomach acid can cause pain in the gut.

A regular diet should be applied by GERD sufferers to prevent acid reflux. One of the dietary rules that can be followed is to follow the Bland diet program. Reporting from Medical News Today, Thursday, February 25, the bland diet or soft diet is a diet method that requires pediet to eat soft and soft textured foods. The goal is to reduce the risk of irritation to the stomach wall. Not only is it suitable for people with GERD, those who often experience inflammation and diverticulitis are also advised by nutritionists to follow this diet.

The bland diet places more emphasis on the types of food you can and cannot eat, the portion you eat, and how you eat it. Types of food that are allowed are low-fat foods such as fish, beef, poultry, tofu and eggs, low-fiber vegetables and fruits, and foods that do not contain flavorings.

The seasoning is believed to trigger an increase in stomach acid, so that sufferers will experience bloating, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting. Pudding, rice, bread, pasta, tea variants such as green tea, black tea, and herbal teas can also be consumed.

While foods that should be avoided are foods that are hard textured, high in fiber, high in fat, spicy, and produce gases such as tubers. You are also prohibited from consuming dried fruit, raw vegetables, sugary foods, caffeinated drinks and sour foods.

Even though it sounds tight, the purpose of this blended diet is to rest the digestive system. Foods high in fiber are more difficult for the body to digest, especially people with stomach acid. That is why foods high in fiber must be avoided here. In addition, the aim is also to avoid further stomach irritation in people with stomach acid.

Blend diets are safe to run in just a short time. Maximum 3 to 4 weeks. If done in the long term, it can cause serious health problems, such as constipation because the body lacks fiber.

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