YOGYAKARTA - HIV is a dangerous disease that can attack men and women, so it needs to be watched out for by everyone. This disease caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus weakens the body's immune system to the risk of AIDS. So what are the characteristics of HIV in women that need to be known?

HIV disease can be transmitted through vaginal and child sex, blood transfusions, and syringes. Sometimes women do not realize when they have HIV disease, because they do not know the symptoms. If HIV disease is treated late, it can cause more severe health problems, namely developing into AIDS.

Symptoms of HIV in women are actually not much different from HIV in men. However, there are some symptoms of this disease that only women experience. That is why it is important to know the characteristics of HIV in women so that they can anticipate and handle them appropriately.

Symptoms of HIV from one woman with another may not be the same, adjusting the conditions and stages of infection. Symptoms or signs of early HIV will generally be felt at 2-6 weeks after infection. At this stage, the woman who contracted HIV may not have realized that she had HIV infection.

Women with HIV usually only feel symptoms that arise when infection enters the advanced stage. The following are the characteristics of HIV in important women to know:

One of the signs of HIV in women is the occurrence of repeated vaginal infection. This reproductive disorder is caused by vaginal candialysis. Although this condition can be experienced by all women, vaginal infection in women infected with HIV will usually recur and be difficult to treat. This condition indicates that the immune system is starting to decrease or weaken.

Here are some of the symptoms that can usually be caused by vaginal infection:

menstrual disorders can also be symptoms of HIV in women. A number of studies say that menstrual disorders are experienced by many women infected with HIV, especially when HIV infection has entered an advanced stage.

menstrual disorders that occur in women can be in the form of irregular menstrual cycles, the emergence of PMS complaints is heavier, until menstrual blood comes out more or less. However, new menstrual disorders need to be further suspected if their appearance is accompanied by other HIV signs.

Another condition that can indicate HIV disease in women is pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen. The pelvicflame is caused by infection in the uterus, egg protection, or fallopi tube. Complaints of pelvic inflammation in women with HIV will usually recur and be more difficult to treat.

In addition to pain in the stomach, there are several other symptoms of pelvic inflammation that need to be watched out for. These symptoms include whiteness with an unpleasant aroma, menstrual disorders, pain when having sex or urinating, to fever

Women who have HIV usually also have symptoms of being prone to illness or infection. HIV viruses attack the immune system and make the sufferer weaker or susceptible to disease.

Here are some of the symptoms that may be experienced by women with HIV when they are attacked by infection:

If a woman with HIV experiences the above symptoms that lasts a long time, it is possible that HIV infections have developed into AIDS. When the immune system weakens or drops drastically, several other diseases may follow, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis, and toxoplasmos.

Those are the characteristics of HIV in women that women need to understand as education to maintain health. In order not to get HIV infection, women and men need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Also read also about KB Implan and its advantages and disadvantages.

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