JAKARTA - Happy news came from the pair of singers Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita who have officially become parents. This happy news was shared by Denny through uploads on his personal Instagram.

It can be seen in the upload that the moment Denny and Bella were in the operating room and waiting for the birth process of their first child. In his statement, Denny wrote that his son was born in the morning in perfect condition.

"CUNDAMANI. Adek, cah Ayu. Sayangan Papak Mama. Dek, I believe you are strong. I am sure you will also be healthy. This morning my son was born, with all his perfection, his tears echoed," wrote Denny Caknan as quoted by VOI from his personal Instagram, Monday, February 5.

But unfortunately, his daughter's condition is suspected to be in a bad condition, the reason is, Denny said that his son is currently in intensive care and must be paired with a tube in his body.

"Even though this afternoon cah Ayu still has to fight in a small room, with several tubes on her body. You are strong and decked, even so. Bismillah," continued Denny.

Furthermore, through Denny's writing, it is suspected that the birth of his first daughter was too fast. He said that he did not have time to prepare a name for his daughter.

"Sampek Bapak durung temuk nama panjangmu kalau kata dokter sebenarnya kececececekan uk," paparnya.

Finally, Denny asked his followers on Instagram to pray for his daughter to recover soon and return home in the near future.

"As long as your brother is healthy, your father is happy. Ask for your prayers, aunt, so that I can go home quickly and be healthy. If you're not healthy, it's not relieved. Bismilah, in the next few days, you can be in his arms @bellabonita_r.a," he concluded.

Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita (Instagram @denny_caknan)

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