7 Benefits Of KB Pills Apart From Preventing Pregnancy, Can Help Overcome Acne!
KB pill illustration (Photo: Pixabay/Anqa)

YOGYAKARTA Pill KB is an effective means of contraception to prevent pregnancy, with a success rate of up to 99 percent. In addition to delaying pregnancy, birth control pills can also be used to overcome various health problems. Anything? Let's see the benefits of the KB pill in addition to preventing pregnancy in the following review.

Summarized from various sources, Sunday, February 4, 2024, here are a number of benefits from the KB Pill in addition to preventing or delaying pregnancy:

1. Make the menstrual cycle more regular

There are many women who use birth control pills with the aim of making menstrual cycles more regular.

Please note, the common irregular menstrual cycle is caused by reproductive hormone disorders. Well, consumption of hormonal contraceptive pills such as birth control pills can help improve these hormones.

In addition, the hormones in birth control pills can also reduce menstrual cramps and make menstruation lighter.

2. Help overcome hormonal acne

One of the causes of the appearance of acne on the face is an increase in the hormone content of androgen (testosterone). These hormones can trigger oil glands to produce excess oil on the face. If that's the case, the pores are wrapped can be blocked and acne appears.

Well, consumption of KB pills can actually reduce androgen production in a woman's body. This means that KB pills can be used to treat hormonal acne.

3. Overcome migraines during menstruation

The next benefit of the KB Pill is to help treat migrants during menstruation. This health problem is likely triggered by a decrease in the hormone estrogen that occurs during menstruation. Therefore, consumption of combinatorial KB pills can help balance hormonal changes and reduce the risk of migraines during menstruation.

4. Overcoming endometrosis

Endometrosis is a condition where the tissue that coats the Rahim (endometrium) grows in areas other than the uterus. This can cause abnormal bleeding and cramps or pain before and during menstruation.

The use of birth control pills can reduce the buildup of tissue in the uterus. This hormonal contraceptive tool can reduce the risk of endrometric growth outside the uterus and reduce menstruation frequency.

5. Reduce the risk of ovarian cysts

The ovarian cyst is a small bag containing an invariant fluid in the ovaries. These small bags are generally harmless, but sometimes painful. Especially for women who are fined with polyxistic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which generally has a number of small cysts in their ovaries.

Consumption of birth control pills is believed to reduce the ovarian cyst, because it can prevent ovulation. Obscenes that do not occur can prevent the formation of the cyst.

6. Lower the risk of ovarian cancer

The benefits of KB pills in addition to preventing pregnancy are to reduce the risk of uterine cancer or ovarian cancer.

Based on research conducted by the British Medical Journal in 2018, the use of combinatorial KB pills can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by up to 21 percent. The KB pills in question are those with hormone content and progesterons.

7. Help overcome anemia

During menstruation, women can experience excessive bleeding. In medical, this condition is called menorrhagegia. If not treated immediately, the body can lose a lot of red blood cells, thereby increasing the risk of anemia.

Consumption of birth control pills with iron supplements can help prevent anemia. KB pills can reduce the amount of bleeding during menstruation.

That's information about the benefits of birth control pills other than preventing pregnancy. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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