JAKARTA - Being known as the daughter of a musician doesn't make Zara Leola just relax. While working in the world of singing, she began acting in several soap operas and films, the most recent of which was Kereta Berdarah directed by Rizal Mantovani.

She is trusted to be the main character along with Hana Malasan. She is told as Kembang, a figure who is optimistic and tries to be positive amidst his struggles with his older brother.

"Kembang's character is very optimistic, according to the synopsis, Purnama is sick, so as a younger sibling I still have to act like an older sibling who takes care of her older sibling if anything happens," said Zara Leola regarding her new role to VOI.

According to her, Kereta Berdarah is something that is both challenging and fun in her acting portfolio. This was the first time she was faced with filming on a set and with CGI. At first glance it looks easy, in fact, Zara Leola felt challenged by the process.

Zara Leola (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

"I have to imagine, when other people have it easy, it's hard for me to think because I'm a child who is really down to reality. During this film, I had to imagine there was a devil in front of me, I had to imagine a big forest. So it's really something new, but because I like challenges, I went for it," she said.

On the other hand, Zara was also challenged because this was her first time acting in a horror film. So far, this 17-year-old woman has been involved in many romance genre films, but this time she is exploring a character that matures her thoughts and behavior.

“More like my mentality. Because of the previous shooting, I was an ordinary high school student, falling in love with a guy and I think that's something basic because I can relate. I also once had a boyfriend, felt affection for a basketball guy, whatever," she said.

"But what's different here is that I have to be a mentally hurting girl, but on the outside, I look like an optimistic person. So I've never seen it like that," she explained.

Zara Leola (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

“I saw from the initial story, that just having an older sibling is really different. I'm the first child. So when I was told to be a little sister like that, at first I was like, I'm not a little sister. It was kind of a weird feeling, especially since I have a mother and father, so I asked my mother to learn more about Kembang's character," she continued.

“I said, I called her Buni, 'Bun, is it okay for you not to accompany me first to shoot this time?' So I feel how far away Buni is from me because I'm very close to my parents, I'm really close as a daughter, even ask what I want to eat frequently," said the singer of Lebih Dari Teman.

This eldest daughter also revealed that she is not a horror fan, but she wants to try something new. Moreover, what she is afraid of in a horror film is not the story, but the effects she usually feels when watching horror films.

From a career perspective, this film is also an improvement for Zara Leola. She competed in roles with senior actors which made her learn a lot as an entertainment actor.

"I was a musician originally, so when I was told to play with this, to play with that, with more senior actors, who knew more about acting, I was scared myself. Because I know that in a film where all the actors are good, if there's one scene that's broken, and I'm afraid it's me, everyone's on to me," she said enthusiastically.

“But what I learned from this film is that teamwork is everything. When I study I am the best, I must be the one praised the most, I want this and that but after learning from this film. I feel like it's real people, real actors, they work for each other," she said.

"They understand that films should be together, not a competition over who is prettier, who has more fans on TikTok, that's what I learned," she said.

Learn from Enda Ungu

Zara Leola (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

Apart from acting, Zara Leola is also active in music by releasing single after single. It doesn't stop there, Zara is also still focused on her education at school. Struggling with many things turned out to make her learn to work together, especially with her father, Enda Ungu, who first entered the world of entertainment.

“Thank God I have a supportive team and they also understand my priorities as well as school. Moreover, I'm in class 12, right, so it's tung tung tung tung in my brain," answered Zara while moving her hand upwards.

"And I think acting and singing are two different things, so if you ask me whether to choose singing or acting, I can't. Because in acting, I learn to get along, I learn to act differently with other people and that's normal, right? When it comes to singing, because I'm a soloist, I only work with my mother. My mother is my manager, so I only work with my players, but in films, I play with new people," she continued.

Zara Leola (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

Zara is also grateful to have parents who have careers in the entertainment world. She revealed that her father was someone who respected her opinions and choices, including when deciding things. Even when it comes to acting, she has the freedom to choose the projects she wants.

“It seems like every business-related or work-related, I always ask my parents for their opinion. Because they have been in this industry longer, so their opinion really matters. I think that's a self-privilege, something I'm really grateful for. So if there's anything I ask my father's opinion, and I think age is just a number. They released it with their consent too,” she said.

“Dad just said whatever you do, you have to respect all people. You also have a lot to be grateful for. Especially at my current age, having a job, that's something I can prioritize now," said Zara.

Zara Leola (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

"I could just focus on education, but with things like this, I really learned that I can support other people, and I can also make people happy," she continued, remembering her father's advice.

Zara is only 17 years old, but she will certainly continue to grow with her works, both music and films.

“Apart from the Kereta Berdarah, God willing, it's a definite album, but if you summarize all the singles into one, maybe not. Maybe one album, all different but God willing, this year!” she said ending the conversation that afternoon.

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