YOGYAKARTA - The kidneys are internal organs that function to filter waste and balance minerals in the body. However, not a few people experience dirty kidney problems due to unhealthy lifestyles. So what are the characteristics of dirty kidneys that everyone needs to pay attention to?

When the kidney function does not run normally, there can be a buildup of poison that causes dirty kidney problems. There are many factors that can cause damage to kidney function. The general cause of kidney damage is due to poor lifestyle and physical injury.

Gross kidneys need to be watched out for because they can cause serious health problems, such as infections, kidney stones, kidney failure, to glomerulonephritis. The characteristics of dirty kidneys are often not realized by people until they are left for a long time and at risk of complications.

The condition of the kidneys is often not considered because it is an invisible organ in the body. Whereas the condition of the kidneys needs to be maintained by implementing a healthy lifestyle so that their function is not damaged or disrupted. If the kidneys are dirty, it can cause more severe health problems.

So that you are not late in handling kidney problems, know the following gross kidney characteristics:

One of the signs of dirty kidneys that need to be considered is frequent urination. This condition can show that the kidneys have been damaged or damaged, so they cannot carry out the filtering function properly.

You need to be aware if urine is foamy or there are bloodstains. This condition indicates that the kidneys cannot filter optimally against substances in the body.

Muscle Kram can also be a sign of damage to the kidneys. Patients with kidney disease experience muscle cramps due to an inequality between fluid and electrolic levels in the body. Because one function of the kidneys is to balance the fluids and minerals in the body.

Another condition that can be characteristic of dirty kidneys is experiencing swelling in the legs. The swelling in the legs is an indication of dirty kidneys that often occur at the beginning. The swelling is caused by the accumulation of fluids and sodium that is not well filtered by the kidneys.

Another sign that can indicate dirty kidneys are symptoms of itching on the skin. Dirty kidneys cannot filter toxins and dirt in the blood normally. This condition causes waste substances that should have been removed to be restrained and piled up in the body. The buildup of these dirty substances can trigger itching and rashes on the skin

People whose kidneys are dirty will usually feel weak easily. This weak condition can be a sign of dirty kidneys but is often ignored by people because it is considered a common thing. Weakness can be triggered by a decrease in the number of certain hormones, namely erytrophoetin.

Eritropoetin is a hormone produced by the kidneys to support the process of forming red blood cells. When the function of the kidneys is disrupted, the number of red blood cells produced will decrease, thus making the body weak easily.

Dirty kidneys can also cause people to lose their appetite. Although this condition can occur for several reasons, missing appetite can also indicate problems in the kidneys. This decrease in appetite is due to buildup in toxins or dirt in the body or what is commonly called uremia.

Uremia can cause metal-like flavors in the mouth to appear. This condition can make the taste of food change when tasted on the tongue. This can make people whose kidneys are dirty will be lazy to eat or their appetite disappears.

Difficult to sleep at night can also be a sign of dirty kidneys. The accumulation of dirt and toxins in the body can cause discomfort. This condition can certainly interfere with sleep in the sufferer. This person will have difficulty falling asleep and may experience insomnia.

Those are the characteristics of dirty kidneys that everyone needs to recognize to anticipate if they experience problems with their kidneys. Make sure to always apply a healthy lifestyle so that your kidneys are not damaged or disturbed. See what explanations are kidney failure, the cause and how to treat them.

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