Important To Know! This Is The Right Time To Take A Shower To Get Quality Sleep
Illustration of a bath in a bath (Unsplash / Spencer Davis)

JAKARTA - At what time do you take a shower, it has an effect on sleep quality. Based on studies, recommended the right time when you shower.

Washing your body with warm water or taking a short bath is useful for getting good quality sleep. Collaborative studies examining the relationship between bath time and sleep quality were conducted by UT Health Science in Houston and the University of Southern California.

Reporting from Woman & Home, Tuesday, February 23, this study reviewed 5,322 studies linking water-based passive body heating, otherwise known as showering with warm water, and better sleep quality.

From these studies found that the right time to shower is 90 minutes before your bedtime. For example, you sleep at 22.00, then your bath time is 20.30 to get a good night's sleep.

The good news is, taking a shower one and a half hours apart before bedtime can make you sleep faster for 10 minutes. According to this study, the temperature of the optimal bath to promote quality sleep is between 40-42 degrees Celsius.

According to the researchers, the body temperature cycle affects the sleep cycle more efficiently. By bathing in a warm shower, the body's thermoregulation system is stimulated.

The effect is through blood circulation from the body's internal core to the periphery of the hands and feet, resulting in a more efficient dissipation of body heat. That way the body temperature will decrease.

Photo by Jon'Nathon Stebbe on Unsplash

Research also deals with the circadian system in the body. Natural circadian is able to open the opportunity for you to sleep earlier with better quality.

This means that those of you who often have trouble sleeping or experience insomnia, can relax for a moment in the bathroom and wash your body with warm water.

An earlier study, conducted by researchers at the University of Freiburg, Germany, looked at the effects of warm baths. They studied on 45 people who experienced depression and divided into two groups.

The first group was asked to regularly bathe in the afternoon with warm water. Meanwhile, the second group was asked to do aerobic exercise for 40-45 minutes twice a week.

During the eight weeks of undergoing the treatment, the depression clinical score of the warm bath group decreased by six points and the other group was three points lower.

Another study conducted by psychologist Neil Morris who examined as many as 80 people, according to them that a warm shower can reduce feelings of stress and pessimistic thoughts.

In the end, warm bath activities can make the body comfortable and relaxed. What time do you usually shower in the evening? Adjust the recommendations based on the study above to get better, healthier sleep the next day.

Photo by Quin Stevenson on Unsplash

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