JAKARTA - In today's modern era, it seems that everyone will never be able to live without a device. Every day you will definitely take the time to check your device, either to see what information has been missed or just to take advantage of some of the features on your device.
Not only that, the demands of work today also make you always stare at the laptop screen. However, did you know that exposure to blue light from devices can be bad for the skin? To be more aware of this one problem, the following VOI describes the effects of frequently using devices on your skin.
Panda eyesThe result of constantly staring at the device can have an impact on your eyes. The eyes will become heavy, triggering the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. For that, start reducing excessive use of devices.
The skin gets darkerSpending 4 hours in front of a screen is tantamount to getting 20 minutes of sunlight during the day. A study published in The Journal of Investigative Dermatology in 2010 suggests that exposure to blue light from devices can cause hyperpigmentation in people with brown to dark skin color. Meanwhile, people with lighter skin color have relatively no effect. The darkened skin will last for several weeks.
There are signs of agingLaunching the Harper's Bazaar page, Tuesday, February 23, exposure to blue light will make the skin's natural circadian rhythm out of sync. This can cause wrinkles, sagging skin, and dark spots on the face.
Mathew M. Avram, director of the Center for Laser Dermatology and Cosmetics at the Massachusetts General Hospital, as reported by halodoc, stated that collagen in the body can break down if it is often exposed to blue light from devices. As is well known, collagen is a protein in the body that can prevent the aging process.
If the collagen in the body is reduced, it is likely that you will experience premature aging faster than age.
Work is a must-do, but you should also pay attention to the health condition of your skin. We recommend that you balance it with nutritious food intake and balanced nutrition. The adoption of a healthy lifestyle can also reduce the negative impact of blue light from devices.
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