YOGYAKARTA Getting to know the Account Officer profession can start from understanding. This work is still related to accounting so that it is closely related to the financial department. To become an account officer (AO), the public must know the understanding, duties, requirements, skills, and salaries that will be obtained after working in a professional world.
Simply put, account officer is a profession that works in the field of bookkeeping and financial records at the company. The task of an account officer is to record both transactions, payments, expenses, and process invoices so that they are in accordance with the rules.
The history of accountability in the world itself has been around for a long time. It even existed in the ancient Egyptian era. The development of accounting science itself continues to change.
The position of account officer is very important in a company. Not only did the recording but also supervised the company's financial condition. This profession must know what the company's finances were used for and how the results were.
The position of account officer is not only needed in companies, but in cooperatives or banks. The task carried out by an AO is also based on where he works. Even so, AO's duties in general are as follows, quoted from various sources.
It is not easy to become an AO because it must meet the requirements. Usually the company has certain requirements for candidates who want to apply for AO's position as follows.
To become an AO, candidates must meet the appropriate educational qualifications. Do not have to use a bachelor's diploma, AO candidates can use a high school (SMA) or vocational diploma.
The AO department that must be reactive is accounting or other majors that teach basic accounting and bookkeeping science. In addition, several companies also require AO candidates to have certificates obtained from certain trainings such as analysis training, financial data reporting, accounting theory, and bookkeeping procedures.
The basic requirement to become an AO is the ability to calculate numbers. This requirement must be fulfilled considering that the account officer profession will move with numbers. When doing its duties, the company will usually provide tools to facilitate its work. However, AO must be able to carry out financial calculations correctly and carefully.
Several companies also require AO candidates to have appropriate work experience in their fields. This is needed to make it easier for the company and the candidate itself in compiling and presenting financial data.
An account officer is required to have several skills in order to facilitate work while increasing the plus value for candidates. Some of the skills needed by AO are as follows.
An AO must have accounting skills starting from mastering advanced mathematics, being able to present financial data, and much more.
In carrying out their duties, an AO must be able to operate a computer or master digital technical skills. This is done because accounting works are carried out using tenteu applications such as MS Word, MS Excel, or other digital-based applications.
AO profession is also required to have good communication skills because AO workers are not only related to numbers but also to other parties such as policy makers, clients, or operational teams.
Although related to numbers, AO is also required to be able to solve problems quickly and efficiently.
The account officer salaries in Indonesia vary depending on the level of experience, company policy, or government policy. Junior account officer salaries are usually at IDR 3 million to IDR 5 million.
Unlike senior AO who can get a higher salary. For example, AO in state-owned banking institutions can earn a salary ranging from Rp. 6 million to Rp. 8 million. AO's salary will be different if you are in a mining company.
In addition to knowing the account officer profession, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
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