YOGYAKARTA Take a junub bath to clean up large hadas and the law is mandatory for Muslims, for example, after having sex or after the woman has finished her menstrual period. The question is whether after bathing the junub does not have to be ablution so that you can pray?

Taking a junub bath or a big bath is mandatory, which is done with the intention of eliminating large hadas. This mandatory bath must be done by someone in several conditions, namely as follows.

Someone who is in the above condition is obliged to take a bath in the junub. The obligation to take a bath in the junub leads to the hadith of the Umm Salamah RA history. He once came to the Prophet SAW and then said, "O Prophet, in fact Allah is not ashamed in terms of truth. Is a woman obliged to take a bath if she dreams of having sex?"

The Prophet SAW then replied, "Yes, if he sees manifold water or something that usually comes out of women when riding." (HR Bukhari and Muslim)

After taking a junub shower, a new person is allowed to carry out worship activities such as prayers, both obligatory prayers and sunnah.

After taking a junub, someone also doesn't need ablution anymore. This is as explained by several scholars such as Abu Bakar bin Al-Araby quoted by al-Mubarakfury through his Tuhfatul Ahwadzi book, which is as follows, quoted from the Nahdlatul Ulama Jombang website.

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Abu Bakar bin al-Araby said that there are no scholars who have different opinions regarding the problem of wusu which has been included in the bath. And actually the intention of purifying the congregation is to perfect the intention of purifying hadats as well as canceling the hadas (wudu). Because there are more things that prevent the congregation from preventing hadats.

Imam Nawawi through al-Majmu' Syarh Muhadzab explained that a person may not make a fuss after bathing in the junub because it is included in the shower. Imam Nawawi himself also explained three other opinions regarding the bathing of junub and wudhu, but there is the most legitimate opinion.

Ibnu Umar said that the Prophet had received questions related to ablution after finishing bathing in the junub.

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Ibnu Umar said: when the Prophet saw. asked about ablution after taking a bath, (he replied) is there ablution that is more common than bathing. (HR Ibnu Abi Syaibah)

At H.R Ibnu Umar, it is said that the occupancy of bathing is more common than ablution. Which means that someone who takes a junub shower includes ablution at once so there is no need for ablution.

However, it must be noted that the junub shower is different from the one that takes a shower every day. Quoted from the Ministry of Religion website, here are the procedures for bathing in the junub.

The junub bath must be accompanied by intention. According to the Syafi'i madzhab, the intention of bathing in the junub was read out at the same time when the first water was watered to the body. The intention of bathing in the junub is as follows.

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Nawaitul-ghusla lirafil 'adatsil-akbari minal-jinmen'bati fardlan lillhi ta'ala


"I intend to take a bath to get rid of the great hadats from the congregation, fardhu because of Allah ta'ala."

After reading the intention, pour water throughout the body. The whole body must be splashed with water from head hair to to toe. Don't forget to pour water on the hairy parts to touch the skin. This is done to clean uncleanly both in the hair, the base of the hair, and the skin.

Apart from whether after the junub shower you don't have to be ablution, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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