JAKARTA - Nagita Slavina said that her eyes have now become more sensitive since the incident of her eldest son, Rafathar Malik Ahmad accidentally stepped on his eyes when he was one year old.

Raffi Ahmad's wife shared this experience when she was invited to a podcast on Tasya Farasya's YouTube account. In this moment he talked about the incident 7 years ago in his eyes.

"So my eyes have been quite sensitive since, at that time one day, when my first child was still a year old, I was injecting his eyes," said Nagita Slavina, quoted by VOI from Tasya Farasya's YouTube account, Monday, January 8.

As a result, Raffi Ahmad's wife's retinal eye was torn. At first Gigi, her nickname thought she only had regular eyes but it turned out that she continued to feel pain and shed tears.

"Anyway, the layer (torn). It's like kellipsing but nothing, the tears keep coming out, that's it. It hurts, the tears keep coming out. You can't be literate," he added.

As a result, Nagita is now advised not to let her eyes get too dry and to leave her eyes wet.

"(The wound) if it's always wet here, so if it's a little dry, it can be like'sis' again, the wound is (open) again, that's it," he concluded.

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