JAKARTA - Happy news came from actress Pamela Bowie who through her Instagram account announced about the pregnancy of her first child with her husband, Armand Gunawan.

In a press conference represented by Pamela's manager, Salvy Nathan, Pamela's pregnancy was in the 3rd month, where according to Salvy their marriage took place 4 months ago.

"He was found out (pregnant) 3 months ago. After that, he was kept first, he couldn't do the nounce, because the first child, like waiting for strong, then announcing," said Salvy Nathan in the Pondok Betung area, South Tangerang, Friday, December 29.

"The marriage was about 4 months ago. In Bali at that time. The marriage was with Armand Gunawan," he continued.

Seeing this, Salvy explained that Pamela's pregnancy immediately occurred after the artist came home on his honeymoon with her husband some time ago.

"Immediately became pregnant after marriage, he was immediately given a gift. Pamela's birthday was filled with Pamela's birthday. So when she came home, she immediately filled it," he said.

It is planned that on Sunday, December 30, Pamela and her husband will carry out gender surveys for their first child.

"And this Sunday I want gender recovery so I haven't found out about boys or girls, but in my opinion, it's a boy," he concluded.

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