JAKARTA - Love stories do not always give birth to beautiful romances that make people intoxicated. Sometimes, someone also needs to face heavy and unexpected things, such as canceling a wedding plan even though all the plans have been prepared.

Like Ayu Ting Ting, who canceled her marriage to Adit Jayusman and recently, Kalina Oktarani announced the cancellation of her marriage to Vicky Prasetyo which was supposed to be held on February 21, 2020.

Of course, facing this situation must be difficult. Those who feel it will definitely fall and experience a heavy phase. If you are experiencing the same thing as Ayu and Kalina, it is a good idea to face this phase with the following steps.

Notify family and loved ones as soon as possible

When the decision to cancel marriage is made, immediately tell your family and friends about this cancellation of marriage. Emotional support from family and friends is needed at times like this. You also need their help in contacting invited guests, returning wedding gifts, and mediating with exes.

Take the good side of every trial

Life is full of mysteries. Not always can go smoothly according to plan. When this unpleasant incident occurs, try to take the positive side. If you canceled your marriage because your partner was caught cheating on you or certain facts about your ex-lover, of course, the initial pain will be much better than finding out when you are married.

Do things that motivate

Cancel marriage does not mean your life has to stop. You have to move on with doing things that motivate you. For example, doing something that was delayed because of your ex-partner. Take a short break and reach for your dreams.

You can travel, move to another city, expand your network of friends, settle in a remote place, or stay with your current condition but be more optimistic about life.

Clean up building cancellations and related matters

When deciding to marry a Batak, keep meeting with your ex-spouse and immediately settle any matters that have to be canceled, such as cancellation of buildings, catering, vendors, wedding rings, or home installments made before marriage. Finish as soon as possible and discuss the distribution.

Let go of emotions

When you cancel your marriage, your emotions are certainly the most difficult to stop. For that, release the emotions that are inside of you. Crying or screaming as much as you want. Go to a quiet place and get angry. Never hide and hide feelings. Holding back your sadness and being okay can actually stress you out. However, give a time limit so that sadness does not drag on. After being satisfied with the emotion, you have to get back up and organize your day.

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