Location Of Fireworks Party In Jogja: Are You Sure You Don't Want To Go There?
Location of the Fireworks Festival in Jogja ( Arthur Chauvineau-Unsplash Image)

YOGYAKARTA - If you decide to go through the new year in Yogyakarta, then you must know the location of the fireworks party in Jogja which is a good spot.

New Year's Eve is generally enlivened by fireworks. Various types of fireworks will decorate the night sky at New Year's Eve.

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, many locations in Jogja could be intended to enjoy the excitement of fireworks. Residents do not have to arrive with their own fireworks, but they can only come and see for free.

The following are some points of position for fireworks that are usually an option for the people of Yogyakarta;

1. Kaliurang

This tourist destination will be crowded with tourists approaching New Year's Eve. The road to the Kaliurang courtyard area has generally been crowded with 2-wheeled vehicles. In this place, not only can they enjoy the beauty of fireworks events, but tourists can also feel the cold air typical of the slopes of Mount Merapi.

2. Jogja Monument

Jogja City Icon is Tugu, there is an cool place to light fireworks. Around the Tugu to the Pingit zone, it will generally start to be crowded since 22.00 WIB. At its peak, approaching 00:00 WIB, the explosion of colorful fireworks has begun to appear.

3. Zero Point

Jogja's Zero Point, which is located in the south of Malioboro, is also a magnet to commemorate the new year. Hundreds of people will crowd this place to enjoy beautiful burning fireworks in the sky of Jogja. Tourists can freely capture the moment with their respective cellphones.

4. Parangtritis Beach

For those who want a large position, the beach can be an option to enjoy fireworks. Parangtritis Beach is still a favorite to commemorate New Year's Eve. Generally, vehicle queues start snaking at the entrance gate of the beach or the Retribution Payment Gate (TPR) since the afternoon. Tourists are obliged to be patient to enter the beach area before finally being able to enjoy the new year freely on the beach.

5. Bukit Bintang

Bukit Bintang in Patuk Gunungkidul is another alternative to enjoying the beauty of fireworks during the New Year. In this place, tourists can see a stretch of sparkling lights and looks very charming from the top of the hill. Approaching 00:00 WIB, tourists can again enjoy fireworks that are turned out to be forested from various directions.

Well, like that, several positions in Jogja are places to commemorate New Year's Eve.

Sultan HB X Asks For No Convoys During The 2024 New Year Celebration

Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X asked residents not to carry out motorized vehicle convoys when commemorating New Year's Eve 2024.

"Hopefully, people who see performances and their vehicles do not move around the city to increase the density in the city," said Sultan HB X as quoted from the official website of the Yogyakarta Regional Government in Yogyakarta, Friday, December 22.

Sultan said that during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays, it is estimated that 4.45 million people will come to DIY, either just passing by or stopping by or staying overnight in Yogyakarta.

Meanwhile, the peak of the crowd in DIY is predicted to take place on the eve of the turn of the year 2023 to 2024.

"So we need to pay close attention to the flow of traffic that arrives or later comes out again as a form of good service for all citizens," said the King of the Yogyakarta Palace.

Sultan appealed to all districts to be able to create crowd points for residents on New Year's Eve so that it was a solution to unravel the density of residents or vehicles in the city of Yogyakarta. "We hope that various activities that will be held in these districts can be socialized," said Sultan.

Currently, there are plans for 15 fireworks event points spread across many tourist attractions in DIY.

This is one of the methods of the DIY Regional Government breaking concentrations in the city of Yogyakarta, with the performance time of fireworks which generally lasts around 22.00 to more than 24.00 WIB.

In addition, there are several references to 'destination in Jogja for New Year's Eve' so that your vacation will be more lively, of course.

So after knowing the location of the fireworks party in Jogja, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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