JAKARTA - The name Teuku Ryan was widely discussed after he was caught attending a Gala Premier Film Layangan Putus with a woman named Celia Thomas.

Seeing this, Teuku Ryan finally spoke up about this incident. When asked about the viral news about him and Celia Thomas, Ria Ricis' husband seemed to know nothing.

"What's viral?" said Teuku Ryan, quoted by VOI from YouTube Starpro, Friday, December 22.

He said that neither he nor Celia had any relationship. He was present at the event to meet his manager Dery who happened to have brought the wrong talent, namely Celia Thomas.

"Because there was nothing really wrong, I was invited and met my friends, Kak Dery, and the talents," continued Teuku Ryan.

Ria Ricis is again absent from accompanying her husband at an important event. Ryan said that his household with Ria Ricis was in good condition.

"Alhamdulillah, it's okay, just pray for it. We're all family so that it gets better," he concluded.

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