In Order To Smell Maximum Parfum, How Many Times Does It Need To Be Sprayed?
Illustration (rovenimages/Pexels)

JAKARTA - When wearing fragrances or perfumes before traveling, it may often be involved in the mind of how many good sprays may be so that the fragrance can radiate to the maximum, one of the founders of HMNS Karina Inamindya also gave the answer.

Reporting from Antara, Karina said that the right number of perfume sprays was seven times. The seven sprays can be directed at both arm pulses, two sprays on the right and left necks, both back folds of the knee, and the final spray is directed at the air just above the head, let the fluid fall onto the body.

"These points are parts of the body that are warm enough so that perfume can be evacuated or evaporated and the aroma can smell more optimally," Karina explained.

In addition to the seven points, there is one more spray that can make the perfume last longer, namely on clothing. Karina said clothes can give birth to a fragrance that is longer lasting than leather. However, keep in mind that not all perfumes are good for clothing ingredients, some perfumes can actually leave patches.

If you want to smell even more durable, spray it on your clothes because it will not volatile and disappear as on the skin. That's why clothes that are sprayed with perfume can take days," Karina said.

Before spraying perfume on clothes, Karina suggested checking whether fragrances would cause spots. He also advised to use a perfume after bathing and after applying a body lotion.

This method, according to him, will make the skin more humid and make it easier for perfume to stick longer. He said that by applying these two methods, perfume can last up to two hours longer than usual.

"If you can choose a lotion that smells similar to perfume, or better, which has no fragrance at all so that perfume smells are not mixed," said Karina.

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