Beware Of Symptoms Of Suicide Among Teenagers, KGSB Initiates Youth Mental Health Literacy
Depression illustration (pixabay)

JAKARTA - The current suicide case is very concerning, almost half of the perpetrators are teenagers. How do you recognize the signs of a sudden atmosphere that often occurs in teenagers and what efforts can be made to prevent it?

The two important questions above are trying to be answered by teachers who are members of the Satkaara Sharing Teacher Community (KGSB) through a webinar entitled Mental Health Literacy for Prevention of Suicide Cases in Youth, Saturday, December 16.

The webinar, which was held in the context of KGSB's second anniversary, presented speakers Ulifa Rahma, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psychologists and Lecturers of Psychology Study Programs from FISIP, Universitas Brawijaya and Ana Susanti, M.Pd. CEP, CHt., Founder of BK Teacher's House and Widyaiswara at the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

Ruth Andriani, founder of KGSB hopes that the webinar, which was attended by more than 200 participants from teachers, students and parents of students, can produce solutions in an effort to prevent suicide cases in adolescents.

Mental Health Issues are one of the KGSB priorities, in addition to issues of sexual violence and bullying. We invite KGSB members to play an active role in helping improve mental health literacy in their immediate environment, added Ruth

Citing data from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) it was revealed that during the last 11 years "exactly from 2012-2023, there were 2,112 suicide cases that occurred and 985 cases (or 46.63%) of them were carried out by teenagers. Globally, data from WHO released in 2019 revealed that suicide cases were also the fourth largest cause of death in adolescents aged 15-29 years worldwide.

A more in-depth survey conducted by I-NAMHS (Indonesia National Adolescent Mental Health Survey) in 2022 revealed worrying insights. That, of all survey samples taken in the last 12 months, 1.4% of teenagers claimed to have the idea of suicide;,5% have made plans for suicide; and 0.2% have attempted suicide.

Suicide and Youth Mental Health Problems One of the causes of the high suicide rate among adolescents is mental health problems. Based on the 2022 I-NAMHS survey, about 1 in 20 or 5.5% of teenagers aged 10-17 years were diagnosed with mental disorders (usually referred to as people with mental disorders ODGJ). Meanwhile, about a third or 34.9% have at least one mental health problem or are classified as people with mental problems (ODMK).

Ana Susanti, Founder of the BK and Widyaiswara Teacher's House at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, explained factors that could cause mental health problems in teenagers. Namely academic pressure, social displacement, social media influence and high totality of expectations from parents or families.

Then Ana added 4 signs and symptoms that can be observed in teenagers who experience mental health problems. These include drastic changes in mood, changes in sleep patterns and diet, decreased interest and energy, and drastic changes in behavior including withdrawal and destructive behavior.

Meanwhile, Ulifa Rahma, Psychologist and Professor of the Psychology Study Program from FISIP University, Universitas Brawijaya, said that the results of a survey conducted with the team involving 202 teenagers aged 12-20 years revealed that self-efficacy (confidence to personal ability), acceptance of the social environment and depression became predictors (variables that influence) the emergence of the idea of suicide in adolescents with a contribution of 52%.

Signs and Symptoms to watch out for As one of the predictors of the emergence of the idea for suicide, depression which in psychology is referred to as major depressive disorder (MDD) has several characteristics. Among other things, the emergence of a low feeling atmosphere in almost all situations and occurs for at least two weeks. These symptoms are also accompanied by low self-esteem, loss of interest in activities that are usually favored, low energy and pain without a clear cause.

Furthermore, Ulifa revealed several responses that can arise from teenagers who have mental disorders. Among other things, self-harms such as slashing the skin, burning body parts and banging body parts, thoughts of suicide (suicide idea), addiction to gaming and pornography, addiction to alcohol and others. Self-harm is not yet categorized as an attempted suicide, but this behavior can develop into suicide.

Furthermore, Ulifa explained several warning signs' of the tendency to commit suicide in teenagers that must be responded to appropriately. Among other things, talking that it is a burden on others, withdrawing from family and friends, showing anger or talking about the desire to take revenge. Also feelings of anxiety or aggregation, and increasing the frequency of alcohol use for those who have become addicts.

For students, the decline in academic achievement and reduced interest in schools and interactions with teachers and friends, must also be watched out for. Several suicide planners have even prepared a will and given their favorite items. Otherwise, he wrote or drawn about death or suicide. Especially for those who often have difficulty expressing intense verbal emotions.

Children who have attempted suicide are also more at risk of repeating their efforts. Also children who experience loss (including sadness and loss of relationship due to divorce or family dispute), rejection, violence or witnessing violence.

Ulifa reminded that these signals must be taken seriously and maturely. Do not ignore threats from the perpetrators by considering this as just an attempt to attract attention. Try asking specific questions regarding what is conveyed and giving empathy when the perpetrator experiences an emotional crisis. As well as providing appropriate support so that children can overcome their feelings and triggers. If you are still not sure, don't wait anymore to refer to professionals (psychologists/psychologists).

He also added the importance of increasing awareness of mental health literacy both in adolescents, teachers and parents as preventive efforts. This is so that individuals are able to have knowledge, beliefs and attitudes to identify risk factors/carriers, carry out management and prevent mental health problems.

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