JAKARTA - Essential oils, also known as essential oils, have various variants. Because it is made from natural ingredients such as flowers, roots, and stems, as long as it is used as recommended, it will remain safe.
Well, considering that essential oils have various benefits, know the various ways and their effects on health below.
Before knowing more about essential oils, the manufacturing process requires trained hands. Made through a refining process, so that the substances contained in the ingredients are extracted.
How to use essential oils![cara menggunakan minyak esensial](/storage/publishers/33889/body_image_2021021813-1.jpg)
There are various ways to use essential oils, as listed below. If you are interested in enjoying various variants of aroma, you can use one of the following methods:
Put on a diffuserThe diffuser is an electronic device because its driving force comes from the electric current. How it works to spread the aroma of essential oils into the air in your room. The diffuser will release steam into the air and there are various variants.
Apparently, the diffuser can also work via ultrasonic waves. There is also a unique ceramic diffuser. For a diffuser nebulizer, you don't need to add water in the process of spreading the aroma into the air in the room.
Using aromatic candlesThe process for an aromatic candle is similar to a diffuser, because the goal is the same, namely to spread the aroma into the room. However, the aromatic wax needs to be burned first and dripping essential oil onto the edges.
Inhalation instantlyEssential oils that are usually inhaled directly have been mixed to be safe. For example, it has been mixed with olive oil, VCO, sweet almond oil and other oils as a carrier. Why is it mixed with other oils? Because every essential oil blend has a safe dosage.
So, to keep it safe to inhale, the compound will be formulated with other oils so that it doesn't irritate when it comes into direct contact with the skin. This is done to overcome the risk for those with sensitive skin. If you have normal skin, direct inhalation may not be dangerous or risky.
EvaporationIf a diffuser spreads steam into the air in the room, while the evaporation process using a cloth medium, such as a handkerchief or cloth mask, spreads the steam around the sense of smell. The evaporation process can be done by dropping the essential oil into a handkerchief, then even though the oil is absorbed, you can breathe in the aroma.
Apply to the skinLaunching Liputan6, Thursday, February 18, for essential oils that are applied to the skin can solve several problems. For example, the skin is bruised or swollen after being hit. However, pure essential oils should not be applied too often. Safe, mixed with carrier oil.
Mixed with soap or skin careThe final way to use essential oils needs to be identified first, yes. This is because each essential oil producer has a different dosage for each variant. This means that you need to know exactly what essential oils you want to mix in your bath soap or skin care lotion.
![cara menggunakan minyak esensial](/storage/publishers/33889/body_image_2021021813-2.jpg)
Reporting from WebMD, essential oils have been used since thousands of years ago. Because it is made from herbal plants, some of its variants can be useful for reducing cortisol and epinephrine.
These two hormones are known as stress hormones, which means that when you inhale or use essential oils they can make you calmer and more relaxed. Variants of essential oils to get rid of stresses include lavender, ginger, tea tree, lemongrass, peppermint and cardamom.
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