Getting To Know 4 Bad Impacts Of Sleep With Open Window For Health
Illustration (Enggy Nanguib/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Fresh air, cool winds, soft gerilisic leaves. There are many things that sound fun when you sleep with an open window. But in reality, this is not the best way to get a good night's sleep quality, saidatur Harris, PsyD, a sleep medicine specialist psychologist and Director of Health Sleepopolis.

This is the reason why sleeping with an open window can be bad and what should be done.

If you have seasonal allergies, leaving the window open during sleep is a way that can clearly trigger allergies. That's because allergens such asudara, fungi, and lagweed from outside can quickly enter the room, said Zachary Rubin, MD, certified allergy expert and spokesman for American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology were told byLivestrong, Thursday, December 7.

So, it is possible that you will wake up with a stuffy nose, nose or itchy eye, and even cough. In addition, your mouth also feels dry and your headache when you wake up in the morning, he added. That's why, if you have allergies, the safest move is to close the window while sleeping.

Opening the bedroom window at night can help improve the quality of the indoor air. By lowering carbon dioxide levels or other pollutants, according to a study in November 2022 at Building and Environment.

However, if the air quality outside is not good like smog or pollution, you actually let more dirt in, says Dr. Rubin. This applies especially if you live in urban areas with a lot of traffic, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

When imagining sleeping with an open window, you may imagine hearing the sound of crickets or the sound of a puffy wind being an introduction to sleep. But if you live on a busy road or in a densely populated area, there is a possibility that you will wake up by a noisy passing car or neighbor, Harris said.

Research supports this. People reported feeling tireder and more difficult to concentrate on logical thinking tests the day after sleeping with the window open. Although they were feeling good sleep, according to a controlled trial in October 2016 at Indoor Air.

It would be nice to be outdoors on a warm summer night. However, cool temperatures are actually profitable when you try to sleep, Harris said. As it turns out, the ideal bedroom temperature is between 15 and 19 degrees Celsius, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

So, can you sleep with an open window? The answer is, sleeping with an open or closed window is ultimately a personal choice. But if you are easily awakened, sensitive to changing temperature, or have seasonal allergies and concerns about air quality. Maybe it's a good idea not to open the window while sleeping.

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