JAKARTA - Kiki Fatmala has finally given up on her illness, namely lung cancer that she has had since 2019. Even so, Kiki Fatmala's husband, Christopher, is loyal to accompany his wife through treatment for her recovery.

This was revealed by one of Kiki Fatmala's best friends, Diah Permatasari, who witnessed Christopher's loyalty to Kiki Fatmala.

"When he was sick, he was treated in Singapore, his husband was always loyal to accompany him, never released," said Diah Permatasari, Friday, December 1.

Diah also said that Kiki had told him that Christopher was a very responsible husband. This makes Kiki very happy at her last moment.

"Her husband is very responsible, that's what Kiki told me. So at the end of her life she (Kiki Fatmala) was very happy with her husband and family," he continued.

"Since marrying her husband, she (Kiki Fatmala) has been with her husband more often. Her husband is also super good and very caring for Kiki," explained Diah.

On another occasion, Christopher said that when Kiki Fatmala breathed her last breath she was strong enough to accompany her wife next to her.

"I (which accompanies)," Christopher said at Siloam Semanggi Hospital, South Jakarta, Friday, December 1.

Kiki Fatmala and Christopher are known to have married in December 2020. At the time of their marriage, Kiki Fatmala did not invite many people due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He only invited some friends.

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