JAKARTA - Symptoms of calcium deficiency or hypocalcemia can be experienced by anyone, regardless of age. Both young and old, hypocalcemia causes problems in bodily functions.

Problems with teeth, eyes, joint pain, osteoporosis and decreased mental health can be suffered when the amount of calcium the body needs is less. In order not to experience such problems, you need to be aware of the symptoms and treat them immediately.

What are the symptoms of calcium deficiency or hypocalcemia?

Cited from the Medical Health Today, Monday, February 15, here are easily recognizable signs when the body's calcium levels are low.

Frequent muscle cramps

A person who is deficient in calcium may experience symptoms of muscle cramps, both in the thighs, calves, and arms. Experiencing pins and needles is also a sign of a lack of calcium in the body. What needs to be watched out for, this symptom is very likely to appear and disappear just like that. But tends to be experienced when on the move.

Severe fatigue

For extreme sensations, hypocalcemia symptoms can be recognized when there are frequent seizures, numbness, and severe fatigue. Those who experience this will feel fatigued all day long, lack of enthusiasm, and insomnia.

Nails break easily

Symptoms of calcium deficiency not only affect muscles and sleeping rhythm, but nails also break easily. Parts of the body that are important to pay attention to in recognizing hypocalcemia include hair, nails, and skin problems such as inflammation, itching, spots appearing, and tends to be dry.

Prone to bone injury

Bones store calcium properly, with a lack of calcium, the bones are more brittle. A person is very susceptible to bone injury when experiencing hypocalcemia. If sustained, calcium deficiency can lead to osteopenia or decreased bone mineral density.

If you experience symptoms of calcium deficiency, avoid letting it be chronic. Because the decrease in minerals ultimately triggers osteoporosis which causes bones to thin and feel pain to problems with posture.

Severe premenstrual symptoms

For women, regular menstrual cycles indicate the health of the fertility system. Well, if your menstrual cycles are irregular and have severe premenstrual, according to this study it is related to vitamin D and calcium deficiencies.

gejala kekurangan kalsium pada wanita
Illustration of stomach pain during PMS (Pexels / Polina Zimmerman)

The study was conducted in 2017 and reported improved mood and decreased fluid retention rates after consuming 500 milligrams of calcium daily for 2 months.

Another study conducted in 2019 concluded that low levels of vitamin D and calcium during the second half of the menstrual cycle can lead to severe PMS symptoms.

Having problems with your teeth

When calcium deficiency is prolonged, it will cause dental problems such as tooth decay due to brushing, gums easily irritated, and weak tooth roots. If it occurs in babies, it can interfere with the development of tooth growth.


Scientifically, calcium has to do with mood regulators. That is if calcium deficiency will be associated with decreased mood, including easily feel depressed.

If you experience the above symptoms of calcium deficiency or hypocalcemia, treat it immediately by eating healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to mood, you need to consult to a specialist or doctor.

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