JAKARTA - Comedian and YouTuber Daisuke Botak have another interview, this time with actress Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi. The actor who often plays "adult films" is quite famous in Indonesia.

Although famous, Miyabi is often confused every time she comes to Indonesia. Because her arrival is always a problem, from rejection demonstrations to forced expulsion.

"Maybe two or three years ago, every time I went there (Indonesia), I was always reported and it became a problem. Why is that ?", Miyabi said in Daisuke Botak YouTube channel, Saturday, February 13.

Miyabi also underwent a super strict examination, upon arrival in Indonesia. Instead of making a mistake, she was only asked to take a photo with several airport officials at that time.

"Then I was taken to a room, I asked if I made a mistake? Even though it was only 5 minutes until the airport. Then when I got to the room, in the end I just asked for a photo", said the beautiful actress who also appeared in the film Menculik Miyabi.

"But when I took a photo I happened to be in a good mood and I was also relaxed. So I could enter (into Indonesia) but the process took a long time", laughed Miyabi.

The woman from Japan also didn't bother with these incidents. She also admitted that when she came to Indonesia she always received an escort, because she had a demonstration that refused her presence.

"When I went to Bali a few years ago, there were a group of demonstrators who came, so it was a big news at that time," she explained.

Miyabi understands her popularity as an adult film actress. But that also sometimes backfires for her to greet her fans.

"It's nice to be loved, but when love is too strong it sometimes backfires on myself. That's why I can't go to Indonesia alone", she concluded.

Before interviewing Maria Ozawa, YouTuber Daisuke Botak uploaded a video of his interview with Shigeo Tokuda aka Grandpa Sugiono. The video content immediately went viral and was watched by more than 7.4 million viewers.

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