YOGYAKARTA Did you know there is a phobia or a person's fear of a woman called gyrophobia? Mental health disease can be experienced by anyone. This article will discuss what gyrophobia is.

Quoted from the medicalnewstoday website, gyrophobia is a type of anxiety disorder to women. A person with gyrophobia will experience anxiety or fear when dealing with a woman or just close to them. However, it should be noted that people with gyrophobia do not necessarily hate or have bad prejudice towards women.

It should be noted that gyrophobia can be experienced by men and women, both children and adults. This fear will manifest physically in the form of shortness of breath, sweating, palpitations, stomach pain, and even dizziness when the sufferer is near women. Meanwhile, children can be seen from the tantrum, crying, or rejection of women directly.

On the healthline site it is said that experts are not really sure what causes gyrophobia. However, some of the possibilities that cause gyrophobia are as follows.

Gynophobia can be experienced by someone in certain conditions. The following are groups that are prone to gyrophobia.

A teenager can experience gyrophobia because a phobia can occur in childhood even since the age of 10.

It is possible that gyrophobia is obtained by someone from his family's legacy, both from his father and mother.

Someone who has a more sensitive personality or temperament, or because of hampered developments than others.

Someone who has a bad experience can feel afraid of women, both when children and adults. Experience can be obtained directly or based on the stories of the closest people.

Please note that gyrophobia is included in a specific type of phobia so that symptoms and signs are similar to other types of phobias, it's just that the source of fear comes from women. Some symptoms ofgynophobia are as follows.

Treatment of this phobia is carried out similar to other phobia treatments. Several ways of treating gyrophobia are as follows.

Therapy is carried out using various methods, generally sufferers will be slowly asked to get used to closeness or facing a woman.

This method is done to improve the cognitive process of sufferers of women so that they respond from the source of fear that will change.

It must be noted that the drugs given are not to treat, but only to help relieve the symptoms experienced by the sufferer.

That's information related to gyrophobia. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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