JAKARTA - The gestational age of Marshel Widianto's wife, Yansen Indiani, has entered its fifth month. The couple who married in February 2022 said they had made various preparations.

One of the preparations made by Marshel Widianto was to have contacted Raffi Ahmad. He hopes that at the second birth Raffi can return to provide assistance like his first child.

"I have prepared the preparations to contact A Raffi as well. A raffi has also prayed. Hopefully, I will help again (ketawa)," joked Marshel Widianto in the Ciledug area, Tangerang, Sunday, October 29.

Seeing this, Marshel admitted that he was very happy because his fortune began to grow unexpectedly. In addition, the presence of his second child candidate is a new responsibility for Marshel.

"Yes, the second child finally cheated, there was even more and sustenance that was surprised to make it, 'Wow, how come there is?', yes, the sustenance of the child does exist and I believe God has given me and my wife a better responsibility," said Marshel.

Even now the relationship between Marshel and his wife, Cesen ex JKT48, is getting closer because it will welcome the birth of their second son. The closer they are, the closer they will be, the more happy they will be because there will be more boys.

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