YOGYAKARTA - Elderly people or the elderly need to pay attention to their food intake, given their aging body condition. Nutritional needs for the elderly may be different from those of productive age because the lifestyle changes and the body's metabolism slows down. So what is the healthy diet like for the elderly?

Even though they are old, the elderly can still maintain their health as long as they have a good and proper diet. Nutritional and nutritional intake must still be met because it plays an important role in supporting the function of the elderly's body. For those who have entered old age or those of you who care for grandparents, you need to know a healthy diet for the elderly.

People who get older usually experience lifestyle changes, including eating habits. The decrease in appetite is usually experienced by the elderly due to several factors, such as a history of illness, mental conditions, to difficulty chewing and swallowing.

Although the decline in the appetite for the elderly cannot be avoided, nutritional intake must still be fulfilled properly every day. The following is a healthy diet for the elderly that you need to apply:

Foods consumed by the elderly must be rich in nutrients. Nutritioned foods play a role in maintaining weight, supporting the body's metabolic process, and strengthening the body's muscles. A number of foods that can be selected consist of carbohydrates, proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Another step that can be done as a healthy diet for the elderly is to arrange a meal schedule. The meal schedule for the elderly can be arranged by eating food three times a day interspersed with snacks. This method will facilitate the eating process while ensuring the fulfillment of nutritional intake. This prepared meal schedule must be followed consistently or with discipline in order to provide maximum results.

The problem of eating that is often experienced by the elderly is the difficulty of swallowing and the ability of the teeth or gums that have decreased. This condition also causes the elderly to be lazy to eat. The way to deal with this is to choose to eat a soft texture so that it is easy for the elderly to swallow. In addition, you can make foods that are circumvented or cut into small pieces.

Elderly are also advised to limit the consumption of high-salt foods. Because excessive salt content will increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. In addition, the elderly must also reduce foods that contain high sugar. Excessive sugar intake can increase blood sugar levels and the risk of diabetes. Therefore, the elderly must limit the consumption of food and drinks that contain high sugar.

The elderly are also advised to limit the intake of foods that contain saturated fat and trans fat. Types of food that need to be avoided are such as fried foods, chips, chocolates, pastries, and others.

Elderly people are also required to maintain adequacy of water or fluids in the body. Heat conditions and body performance that decrease often cause the elderly to quickly thirst and lack fluids. Fluid intake plays an important role in maintaining the vital function of the body, smooth digestion, and blood volume.

That's a review of healthy diets for the elderly that need to be applied. The elderly must consume a diet rich in nutrients every day so that their health is maintained and functioning properly.

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