YOGYAKARTA Zumba and aerobics are effective sports for burning fat. Although they are both done with the accompaniment of music, these two types of gymnastics are not the same. The difference between zumba and aerobics lies in terms of the music and the time used, the calories burned, to the body's trained parts.

Well, in this article VOI has summarized a number of information about the differences in zumba and aerobics. By knowing the differences between the two, you will be able to choose the type of sport that is most suitable for needs.

As mentioned above, the difference between zumba and aerobics lies in terms of the music and the tempo used, the calories burned, to the body that is trained. Here's the full explanation.

Music used for zumba is Latin music that can spur energy and increase enthusiasm.

The tempo of zumba's sport music is not always constant. Sometimes, the tempo changes so that the movement becomes more varied.

While aerobics usually start with warm-up. Kemdian continued with a more intense movement to increase the heart rate.

Music used for aerobics usually has a rather fast tempo and is always constant throughout the gymnastics.

The next difference in zumba and aerobics can be seen from the number of calories burned. Zumba is considered more effective in burning calories.

According to the Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, doing zumba for 30 minutes can burn calories up to 369 kcal.

While high level aerobics can only burn 294 calories for 30 minutes, depending on weight.

Zumba is more effective in burning fat because it moves many parts of the body at the same time.

The zumba movement is influenced by the Latin dance style. The steps used are quite simple, but you will move more often with your hips so that your entire body will move.

Meanwhile, aerobics usually use athletic movements that are carried out repeatedly so that they can burn large amounts of calories.

Originally, aerobic zumba and gymnastics came from the same sports category, namely cardio exercise. The aerobic zemba and gymnastics movement can train the heart to distribute oxygen-rich blood throughout the body more effectively.

However, zumba has other variations in movement that are not included in the cardio sport category. The variation of the zumba movement is usually categorized as a sport of resilience. Besides being beneficial for the heart, zumba can also strengthen muscles.

The main focus of zumba exercise is to train and increase the flexibility of the body's core muscles, legs, and buttocks.

While aerobics are intended to train the muscles of the arm, shoulders, legs, joints, and stomach.

That's information about differences in zumba and aerobics. Hopefully this article can add insight to the readers of cetia VOI.ID.

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