JAKARTA - Every event experienced triggers reactions and emotions, be it fun events or mistakes that spark anger. Talking about angry emotions, sometimes triggered by trivial things.

Since emotions are intense feelings as a natural response, to be managed properly you need to try the following effective remedies.

Shut up

As the saying goes, silence is golden, needed occasionally, especially when feelings are burning and heating. When you experience it, try counting the numbers from one to ten. This counting moment can be filled with a moment's pause and calming yourself down with a deep breath.


Negative emotions can be neutralized by positive activities, smiling is one of them. This way the emotions will be more controlled and subside. Smiling when you want to get angry may seem silly, but it's actually a strategy of 'self-deception'. This method is recommended by experts to manage anger or relieve tension.

Get social

A person's emotional state is an energy. Have you ever seen a scene in a movie, when you were angry hitting a glass or table until it broke?

The negative energy that bursts out tends to be destructive. So that anger as one of the negative energies can be destructive, then try to be social. You can share stories with other trusted people.

Get some fresh air

Emotions or anger can raise blood pressure and heart rate. Both of these effects in psychology are called the cycle of aggression. Before your anger explodes and reduces your mental and physical health, try to find a calm atmosphere.

When it starts to peak, try to divert attention to things that are soothing for example by taking time out in the open. Get some fresh air for a while to cool your head.

Communicating anger

Not a few people choose to express their anger in silence for a long time and harbor their feelings. This is not recommended because it can affect your physical health.

The most effective way to minimize various risks is that you can express your emotions appropriately, that is, in effective sentences and do not hurt others. This method really needs to be practiced continuously so that you can still express your feelings without making other people annoyed or offended.


Keeping a daily journal recommended by psychologists for expressing emotions in an appropriate way. By processing and recognizing emotions into words, it means going through a stressful phase.

The last effective way to manage anger, try to meditate regularly. The method that can be done immediately before anger explodes is in points one to four. If you do everything, it will have a positive effect and your emotional burst will be more manageable.

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