YOGYAKARTA Having sex plays an important role in overall relationship happiness. But is having sex alone enough to maintain a happy partner relationship? Apparently, Amy Muise's researcher and writer, Ph.D., showed his findings about the reasons for having sex and its influence on the happiness of his partner.
In his research, Muise considered two categories of reasons why people have sex with their partners. First, a person has sex because they focus on achieving positive results in relationships. Such as increasing intimacy and feeling closer to a partner called Muise has a purpose approach. The second reason, called the goal of avoidance, is where one has sex with his partner to avoid negative results in his relationship. Such as avoiding conflict or preventing his partner from being disappointed.
In the first study, the study asked participants to assess sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction based on the purpose of having sex. In couples who have been married for three years, it is found that the level of desire is higher for sex. This is followed by satisfaction in life and in sexual intercourse. This initial finding shows that the reason for having sex has a different relationship with relationships and sexual outcomes.
In the next study, Muise explored how the sexual quality and relationship with her partner were related to feelings of desire and satisfaction. This study asks couples to fill out brief surveys every night for several weeks about their relationship. Every day they report how satisfied they are with their relationship, the desire they feel towards their partners, and answer the reasons for sex and sexual satisfaction.
The two studies above, one has more sex for the purpose of the approach. Like to feel closer to one's partner or to increase intimacy in their relationship. Sexual desire is also higher which in turn makes them happier with their life and sex. On the other hand, one has sex for the purpose of avoidance, sexual desire is lower and satisfaction is also lower. In other words, the reason for a person having sex with his partner is related to his feelings for sex and relationships.
This study, reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, September 10, answers the question of whether having sex is enough for a happy relationship, not. There is something more essential than intimate acts in bed. A person who has sex with the purpose of avoidance, turns out to choose not to have sex and is sexually dissatisfied four months later. In short, sex is not carried out to avoid disappointment and other negative feelings. But a beneficial sex for a partner relationship is aimed positively at establishing closeness, intimacy, and commitment.
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