YOGYAKARTA Serotonin is called a happy hormone that is produced by the digestive tract and the central nervous system. This hormone has a direct impact on your mood and mental health. Also referred to as a neurotransmitter that carries an important signal between brain cells, serotonin also regulates cognition, focus, and rest, said nutrition psychiatrist and professional chef Uma Naidoo, MD.
A person with low levels of serotonin, usually associated with health conditions, such as mood disorders, anxiety, insomnia, compulsive disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorders. If you are short of serotonin, you can eat the food below which is useful for increasing your mood.
Research proves that in a small number it contains triptofans that significantly increase mood. Naidoo advice, eggs from chickens without cages can be processed into chicken eggs, orak-arik eggs, and grilled frittata.
Foods such as cow's milk, cheese, yogurt, are known to be rich in alpha-lactalbin protein. According to research quoted by Naidoo, the protein content increases blood triptophic levels and improves sleep quality and mood. Therefore, if you find it difficult to sleep there are times when drinking warm milk without additional sweeteners. In addition, you can add yogurt to improve the health of the intestine and mental.
If you are vegetarian or vegan who doesn't eat eggs or dairy products, you can eat food from soybeans such as tempeh and tofu. Organic tofu, explained Naidoo as reported by PsychCentral, Friday, September 1, is rich in triptofans and isoflavon soybeans which are proven to have a relationship with symptoms of depression.
Certain nuts and seeds can help you produce more serotonin. Naidoo suggests, you can eat a handful of walnuts every day. This is associated with a decrease in symptoms of depression and may include nuts and seeds in salads or a cup of yogurt.
Fermented foods rich in good bacteria that nourish your intestines and can improve your mental health. You can try one fermented food, such asâmasyarakat, Japanese soybean soup, scarmeg cabbage, coconut milk without sweeteners, and yogurt milk mete. Other prebiotic foods, such as garlic, onions, onions, can also help.
Bayam is known as a vegetable rich in iron and folate. In addition, Naidoo explains that spinach is also rich in minerals needed for the production of serotonin in the brain. In fact, lack of folate is related to symptoms of depression. So, you can include spinach in various dishes such as chicken eggs, smoothie, salads.
Many fruits and vegetables can help increase serotonin. Some fruits and trytofan-rich vegetables include pineapple, bananas, kiwi fruit, plums, and nuts. You can also add sweet potatoes and cerry tomatoes.
Grilled Kalimantan is often served at Thanksgiving, outside of that moment, turkey meat contains high triptofans. Therefore, you can make menu creations from the meat for sandwich or roast and eat with food to increase the serotonin and mood above.
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