6 Things That Often Cling To And Mark The Phase Of The Quarter Life Crisis
Reflection illustration (Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio)

JAKARTA - Quarter life crisis is a phase of dealing with uncertainty, doubt, and anxiety, especially when questioning life goals, future plans and the end of a relationship. The average quarter life crisis is experienced at the age of 25 to 33 years. This age phase is the threshold phase in determining the direction and purpose of life as a whole.

Quarter life crisis is similar to a mid-life crisis, a person will go through a period of uncertainty and lack of enthusiasm in pursuing what he has aspired to. To quote Cyrus Wiliams, a member of the American Counseling Association at Bradley University.

"As a culture, we all think that turning 25 is the best stage in our lives - these people are happy, they are doing everything they want and it is an exciting time in life."

Stepping on the age of 25 a person feels pleasure and lives the things he likes. Work and have fun for yourself. However, this age - in a study conducted by LinkedIn, an average of 27 experienced a quarter life crisis. The seven things that mark the quarter-life crisis phase are as follows.

Compare personal achievements with those of others

Feelings of disappointment arise when you feel that something is still missing with the achievements that have been achieved. Especially by comparing with the achievements of others which, of course, is not wise because everyone has their own dreams.

Thinking what good things to do

The quarter life crisis is characterized by discouragement, especially when identifying what has been done and what is the plan for the future. This was indeed a question that was not answered overnight. However, the question continues to cling because it feels that something is always missing.

Feeling confused about setting priorities

The choice between choosing to climb the top of a career or do something you love often makes a person doubt. Sometimes confusion arises so that you feel you don't have priority because of the various things you want to achieve.

Haunted by standards in the social environment

Person A already has a house, person B already has a business, and so on. Not to mention people's ratings of salary, job, marriage and success. This is the most ghostly for the generation who entered the peak age of adulthood. The standards in the social environment are so depressing that they are anxious and achieving them will not make you happy.

di atas perahu
Illustration on a boat (Pexels / Anatolii Kiriak)
Doubt yourself

Doubt on the one hand is evaluative and constructive. However, during a quarter life crisis it can reduce self-confidence. Even doubt can turn off small steps to where you want to go.


Hope is running low because we often encounter unwanted facts. This was also experienced during the quarter life crisis phase. He wanted to pursue a career path that matched his passion but stopped immediately when he caught the dry opportunity.

Experiencing the above clinging to a phase of your life? Calm, based on research, doubt and anxiety experienced by almost everyone. You just need to stand where your feet stand and turn on a light.

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