JAKARTA - The name Tissa Biani is often the center of news today. After announcing his relationship with Maia Estianty's youngest son, Dul Jaelani, his name often trended on the internet. Now, this beautiful actress who is good at acting is more in the spotlight because of her romantic relationship with Dul Jaelani.

In fact, on July 24, 2002, this girl who was born was very talented and multi-talented. Having made her acting debut since she was little, until now Tissa Biani has played in dozens of popular films that have proven herself as a young, talented actress who deserves a thumbs up.

Tissa has pocketed 14 film titles in her filmography. Soap operas and FTV titles much more. Not only acting, Tissa is now expanding by releasing a single titled 'Happy with You'.

"Now you are busy with happy singles promos with you, already on all platforms. Music video clips are also available, the song can be requested on radios. Alhamdulillah, there are no longer limits for listening to the song," said Tissa Biani when she visited. VOI office, January 22, 2021.

Not only about love, Tissa admits that her song can have an external meaning. "If I listen to the song Happy with You, it must be easy to understand the story. For me, being happy with you doesn't have to be with your partner, you don't have to be just about love, you can be happy with family and friends too. We have to always be ourselves to be happy. and happiness is not someone else who controls but our own version that controls that happiness, "he said.

Tissa Biani (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

About acting, Tissa can be said to be ingrained. For example, since 2007 in the soap opera Aisyah, her acting skills have successfully won the Citra Cup at the 2014 Indonesian Film Festival and an award at the 2015 Indonesian Movie Awards as Best Child Actor.

So far, Tissa likes singing but has focused more on acting. "Incidentally I really like singing. From a long time ago, when I took a break from filming, I did sing. Like to bring a guitar to the filming location. I love the world of singing. I just happened to be given a way to become a singer, why not do it," said Tissa.

Singing business, Tissa needs additional courage. "The opportunity has always existed, if in the past maybe it was more of a cover song. There was a duet with Element for the song Unconditional Love. What is really a song for me and I sing myself, this is Happy with You," he said.

She needed support to convince herself until Tissa just got up to sing now. "Alhamdulillah, my family fully supports whatever I want and whatever I like. Including from the world of film they also support it, when I decided to enter the world of singing they supported, convincing me to be confident. Producing works as a singer," recalled Tissa.

Tissa admitted that she was waiting for the right time to release the song. "If the matter of voice changes in adolescence, I don't really think about it. Because the singer is not seen from age, vocal technique is also not seen from age. Actually, the choice and opportunity is only in this year," he explained.

Tissa Biani (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

Another thing that made him sure was the full support of his music producer, Sandy Canester. "We will feel comfortable in the world of singing when we are ourselves. There is no coercion from the team, thank God I got a team that really supports me, obeys and follows what I like. So there is no compulsion. Problems with my style and song. very comfortable, so it's nice to do this, "said Tissa.

Sandy didn't just create the song Bahagia Sama Kamu, which was just right for Tissa Biani. However, Sandy also taught Tissa to play guitar.

"The song Bahagia Sama Kamu was created by the producer and creator of this song, Om Sandy Canester. He gave this song, and I happen to really like the purpose of this song. I really like the lyrics, I can feel the soul of the song. That's why I immediately wanted to when given this song. And after singing it, I also feel relaxed with this song, "said Tissa.

Long before releasing the song, Tissa learned to play guitar from Sandy too. "I studied guitar with Uncle Sandy since 2013 or 2014, if I'm not mistaken. He was the first to poison me playing guitar. Just browse and browse on Youtube. If you find it, you learn, if you don't find it, look for yourself on Youtube, google. I'm never satisfied with studying, "he explained.

Wanting to pursue a music career in a relaxed manner, Tissa Biani did not want to set targets. "I don't want to be too targeted at my ability in the world of singing, I'm afraid we have high expectations but for example it won't be a boomerang for ourselves. Hopefully it will run smoothly and be a blessing," he hoped.

Tissa Biani (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

Shifting the focus from acting to music is certainly not an easy matter. Moreover, both walked. Tissa Biani was even more courageous, adding lectures and writing books as her daily activities. All of this was done at the same time as dating Dul.

"God willing, I want to prepare a new film and my book entitled For You Who Deserve to be Happy has been published in bookstores. College is also still going on. Hopefully everything will run smoothly," he explained.

How did Tissa run all of that? "In my opinion, the world of film and singing are interconnected. Communicating with each other to convey messages. In films I convey messages from the characters. If singing convey messages from the lyrics of the song. So don't miss what I want to convey," he said.

Tissa admitted that the solid team made her able to carry out all these roles. "The division of time is very important. That's what a manager is for, management is for it. To organize my schedule. In college, usually my family is the one who remembers it. When it comes to work, everything is the manager. I just have to come, I just have to walk, so I don't get dizzy "So far it has been smooth, the most important thing is to be sincere and enjoy doing it," he explained.

Tissa Biani (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

Never tired, Tissa admits that she is passionate about pursuing her dreams. Lecture has also become a commitment that must be carried out.

"You have to be sincere about your job. Including when choosing a song. If you want to make a work you have to really like and animate the song. Like for example Happy with You, I really like it, so it feels good to work, watch TV, break. this is so happy, "he said.

"One key, self-confidence. Confidence from where? From the environment is also important. Incidentally from my label, the producer, family, and the team convinced me to be confident. Especially on stage, we have to give our own lives so that the listeners are carried away," continued Tissa.

Did Dul make it easy to convey the message of the song Happy with You? "There's no special image. I was in the world of acting before entering the world of singing. When I imagine a feeling, I can immediately tell what the image is like. When I fall in love, imagine falling in love. Incidentally, when I got this song I didn't have a boyfriend, So it's not Dul. What's important is to explore and like the song first, "he said.

Tissa Biani (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

Tissa did not deny that her lover's support was also an injection of the mood for Tissa. Dul was present when Tissa decided to release a single. According to him, this is a blessing.

"When the video clip was made, thank God the audience liked our chemistry in the video clip. The first time I heard the song, Dul said it was fun, he said thank God. He likes it, my family likes it, and my friends are also full of support for this song. anyway, "he explained.

Dul's involvement as the video clip moidel is a form of real support for Tissa. Dul was chosen by Tissa and Sandy in order to provide comfort for filming.

"Dul sindiri also already has a single first, so I want to take the video clip filming. Yes, we just want to have fun with a boyfriend, the chemistry is easier to get. In the video clip there are lots of romantic scenes. Maybe with other people. "It takes time to build chemistry, if you and your boyfriend are quick to shoot. The director is good at managing it," he said.

Not only in Tissa's song, they are now preparing a song together. "He has already written a song called Wine of Love. The lyrics are already there. But the process is not yet. The two of them compiled the lyrics," he explained.

He said that dreams and love are difficult to go hand in hand, in fact Tissa Biani and Dul Jaelani rejected this. Dul makes Tissa more motivated to create new works. "Hopefully the songs I wrote can be released," he concluded. [/ Read_more]

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