YOGYAKARTA If you regularly do meditation every morning or before bed, it turns out that it is not only beneficial for mentality but also for digestion. These findings are proven and published in the British Medical Journal's General Psychiatry.
Professor and chairman of a human microbiome at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Martin J. Blaster, MD., considers meditation at least two hours a day can be a determining factor in the composition of healthy microbiomes in the digestive tract. Although gastroenterologist, Emeran Mayer, MD., does not believe meditation is the only health digestive factor.
In general, a higher number of certain bacteria is associated with lower levels of depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular disease. The study involved 19 monks and 37 Buddhists from monasteries in the Tibetan mountains to laboratories in Shanghai. In his research, researchers examined the composition of microbiomes in the feces, which became a marker of the health of their intestines.
This research has been done well, notes Professor Blaster. However, there are many factors that must be studied further to tighten control restrictions and find the benefits of meditation in the health of the digestive tract.
The health of the digestive tract is determined by a diverse and strong population of bacteria. The stomach also produces many substances to fight disease, manage inflammation, and regulate mood. So many experts examine the connection between thoughts.
"It turns out that microorganisms can really ward off harmful effects from food, medicines, hormones in our bodies, both those coming in from outside and produced within our bodies," Ian Smith, MD, best-selling author and chief medical advisor to probiotics reported by Well+Good, Tuesday, July 11.
Excessive health is also associated with obesity, diabetes, liver disease, cancer, and even neurodegenerative disease. But experts also explain that the definition of health pressure' cannot be generalized because it varies from person to person. Doctor Mayer said it makes sense that meditation can have a positive impact on gut microbiomes. Many evidences suggest that stress can bring disaster to the intestines. Because when stressed, sympathetic nervous system is active. The activation changes the environment where microbes live, including blood flow, contraction, mucus production, and much more.
Certain neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine, can enter the intestines and modify the expression of the microbial gene. This is finally a sign that under stress conditions, the gut microbiome changes. While relaxation by meditation, lower stress and reactivity of the sympathetic nervous system.
Other studies have also shown that vegan meditation practitioners have a higher prevalence of beneficial bacteria. Meditation helps regulate stress responses, thus suppressing chronic inflammation conditions and maintaining healthy intestines.
Mayer recommends that a healthy lifestyle should be accustomed. Such as carrying out a microbioma-friendly diet and half-hour meditation every day. This may be absorbed from scientific research that still needs to be proven actually.
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