JAKARTA - Kris Dayanti also sacrificed to celebrate this year's Eid al-Adha. According to him, sacrificing during Eid al-Adha is a form of gratitude for the blessings that have been given by God.

"Of course, an extraordinary gratitude is the meaning of the sacrifice itself. We are trying to make efforts so that we can share more with our brothers and sisters," said Kris Dayanti in Mampang, South Jakarta on Wednesday, June 28.

According to Raul Lemos' wife, slaughtering animals is also one of the prayers for people who are able to sacrifice, but have not had the opportunity to perform the pilgrimage. He saw that the pilgrimage and the sacrifice were both noble deeds.

"Worshiping in Arafah, the pilgrimage can be successful and we in this country can carry out the sacrificial service tomorrow. It will be as golden as possible," he said.

Kris Dayanti admitted that he sacrificed 3 cows this year. However, he did not tell on behalf of who the cow was being sacrificed.

He prepared the three cows in two different places, one of which he handed over in the area that became his electoral district when he became a member of the legislature in 2019.

"So, for Eid al-Adha itself, I have prepared until yesterday the delivery for the purchase of sacrificial animals for the Malang Raya electoral district and there is also for Jakarta," he said.

In addition to the sacrifice of 3 cows, Kris Dayanti admitted that he had prepared other Eid celebrations since a few days ago. This is done so that nothing is missed.

Then, the preparation for receiving guests and family has also been taken care of. So, indeed, because the plan is in sight, so it is better for us to prevent than be late, right. It's better to prepare for the long day," concluded Kris Dayanti.

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