JAKARTA - Fujianti Utami Putri alias Fuji had to lose billions of rupiah due to what her former co-worker had done. It has been a year since Fadly Faisal's younger brother had to be patient waiting for his money back.

"From last year guys, but I was silent, I was patient swallowing everything myself. Alhamdulillah, I was still sane, last year it was almost crazy," said Faji via video call to the media crew, Monday, June 26.

Fuji said that the payment from the work he had done had never been received. He himself did not know why the money was used by his co-workers.

A year my money didn't come back. That means it's my right, I'm already working, everything's over. My rights don't know where, (or maybe) to be eaten for personal consumption. I don't understand," he said.

The 20-year-old girl was increasingly annoyed that her chat had never been replied to. Moreover, his former co-worker had fun by going on vacation abroad. He also mentioned that there were other victims from his co-workers.

"A year I gave him time, I was still talking well, I still contacted him well. But he didn't even reply to the chat, he was even still having fun out there, even still abroad," said Fuji.

"So, in my opinion, I think it's too late. And he took another victim, a friend of mine was also hit," he continued.

Fuji has also appointed a lawyer to take care of the problem. He is also ready to take firm steps if the money is not returned.

"I've been waiting for good faith for a year. I've been waiting for the good faith for a year but it turns out that there is no good faith at all. So, if for example this is not over, I want to go to the legal route. Anyway, let him know how he feels," concluded Fujianti Utami Putri.

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